Chapter Fifty-Three

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--october 19th 1989--

"You are not going to see Marshall" Antonio yelled. "Sophie he treats you like shit!"

"I can do what the fuck I want Antonio, funny enough, I am in control of my own life! It is his fucking birthday!"

"You are failing school because of him"

"Now how do you work that one out?"

"You are so worried he will leave you or you are pissed off with him. You can't focus on shit, he is nothing but bad for you. You're suppose to be getting better. You finally put on weight and now you have lost it all again!"

"I'm leaving"

"Sophie!" He growled grabbing my arm.

"Let go of me" I gritted my teeth.

"Fine, do what the fuck you want" he released me and I ran to proofs, where Marshall and everyone was.

I knocked on the door and entered. I saw Marshall and ran up to him and hugged him tightly. I hugged him for quite a while until Kim cleared her throat from across the room, getting up and walking to the kitchen, to grab a drink I assume.

"Happy birthday!"

"You're make up, It's ran, have you been crying? What's wrong?"

"Ah Antonio just pissed me off that's all"

"Why are you with that prick?"

"What is your fucking problem with each other?! You use to be sound with one another"

"Stuff has just been said Soph. I just need you happy, and I would say if he makes you happy then I won't get involved, but he clearly isn't making you happy" he sighed.

"He makes me really happy, but when I do stuff with you involved he just freaks" I shrugged and Marshall led me to the kitchen and handed me a beer.

"Kim is the same, I don't understand it. Is it because they are jealous or something?"

"I knew it! She still hates you seeing me, it is all that bitches fault"

"Sophie, I try really hard to see you, but when it's not Kim stopping me it is fucking Antonio! We need somewhere, where we can just meet, no questions asked"

"Well what about here or Blake's or the other guys?" I suggested. "Also at school you need to tell lover bitch to lay off a bit so you can chill with us"

"Good idea. We will have to think of something. Tomorrow meet me at the gym, 11am sharp"

"Will do" I smiled.

"I still love you Soph"

"I still love you too Marshmallow"

He hugged me tightly, it was nice, it was like the security I had been missing. I feel safe with Antonio but at the same time slightly threatened because of who he knows.

-the next day-

I walked up to where I basically live, Antonio's. I bet he will have gone to see where I am, but when he gets back I will be on the couch, with Marshall.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Marshall questioned. "What if he like kills me?"

"I will be there and Halstead is there, don't worry about it" I assured him.

We walked up to the door and Marshall was shitting himself. The door was locked which meant I was right, Antonio is looking for me. It also means that Jay will be asleep.

I took out my key and unlocked the door. As we walked in Jay walked out of the kitchen yawning.

"Halstead! Put on some sweats bro, Marshall is here" I laughed, he was only in his underwear. He had a very nice body. He laughed and went to put some clothes on.

Me and Marshall walked into the living and sat down. Jay walked into the room with some sweats on.. Still shirtless.

"Halstead! I am going to fucking kill her!" Antonio exploded walking into the house. I stood up and he walked in the room, his full attitude changed.

"I knew you were with him"

"And I knew you didn't trust me. Antonio, I don't think you understand how much I love you, but you just make it so hard to keep doing this." Tears started to roll down my face because I got so annoyed with it all.

"I'm sorry princess, I totally lost sight of it all. I love you too" he apologised hugging and kissing me. "And look Marshall, i'm sorry I forgot how much you meant to her, no hard feelings?"

"Nah man, it's all good as long as I can see her sometimes"

"Yeah of course!" He smiled. "Shit, babe I got to run, I will see you in a bit, love you" he kissed me again.

"Yeah i'm going to go as well Soph" Marshall added and hugged me.

"I will drop you off man" Antonio offered and Marshall agreed.. Well ok then! They both left and it was just me and Jay.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I have no idea Soph, he just cares for you and wants you to be happy. I think he was just worried about anything happening with you and Marshall."

"I think I need a break from all of this, it is just too much. I can't fail school, I want to go to college and everything"

"Have a break then, just tell him"

"I can't lose him though, I love him"

"As much as I love Dawson, I think you are blind to the way he is. Antonio Dawson, is the kindest, most thoughtful, honest guy and more ,that I know. When it comes to you he get's jealous and protective but you let it happen. You both need to go back to how you were at the beginning of the year. Sophie I love you, you are like a little sister to me, which is why I want you to fully analyse this situation. I know he is trying, you can see that but he is just snappy, a lot of that is down to booze, when he drinks bear he can become mouthy and protective" Jay lectured me.

I suddenly felt really dizzy. I needed to sit down or thrown up or something. I tried to walk somewhere, where I could stable myself but I blacked out.

The way I am (eminem) (re-edit)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें