Chapter Fifthteen

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A/N Fuzz is not at all true to his real self

Sophie's POV

Even though a few of them are younger than me ,they are pretty sound, although Blake or as he calls himself, 'fuzz' ,was pissing me off.

"No ,I will not sleep with you ,fuck off" I huffed at Blake ,who was currently next to me on the grass as the others were playing basketball.

"Come on ,everyone wants some of this"

"Well go find someone who want's you then ,because I don't!" I shot back at him.

"Leave her a fucking lone man!" Marshall shouted from across the court.

"I'm going to see Dawn and Kim, so fuck you and have a nice day" I flipped him off and got up ,making my way to the benches.

Dawn looked at me evily as I walked over to them and sat by Kim.

"I'd say I was sorry ,but I don't like to lie"

"There was no fucking need for that!" Dawn said directing all her attention to me now.

"There was no need for you to be a bitch, so evens aint it! Don't talk to me again" with that I walked off, I only came to warn her, I think she got the message.

I sat over on the benches further away from Kim and Dawn and sat and watched the guys play basketball ,then Blake came over to me.

"So I think we got off on the wrong foot" he announced, sitting next to me.

"Hmm ,let's think why ...oh yeah ,your first words were: 'hey you're hot ,wanna fuck?'" I huffed.

"Sorry, come on ,we're going to be around each other a lot. Want to go get a coffee?" He asked.

"Fine but try shit and I will snap your fucking arm" I threatened and he nodded.

"Yo Em ,me and ya bitch gonna get a coffee" he shouted to Marshall ,earning a slap for calling me a bitch. Marshall jogged over to us with a bright smile and sweating like a pig.

"Sound, don't be too long. Keep her safe man. No getting hit by car's or any other shit ok?" He said to me and I rolled my eyes.

"Kay boss" I laughed and he laughed with me. He ran back to the courts and me and blake went to find a coffee shop ,which wasn't too far from here.

When we found a coffee shop that was fairly quite ,we both got a coffee and sat down.

"So how'd ya meet Em and Proof"

"I will start with how I met De ,because it will make a lot more sense then. So basically ,my mom walked out on me and my dad ,when I was young ,so I never really knew her. Anyway, my dad and Proofs mom dated and I lived with him for time. He was basically my best friend ,and when they broke up ,me and Proof kept in touch ,but lost contact. I later found out my dad told proof to basically fuck off. Anyway ,my dad started to like hit me and shit and anyway he pretty much chucked me out the house and Marshall found me on a bench ,we sort of clicked from then and I saw proof again and here we are today" I explained.

"So your dad was violent after Proofs mom and him broke up?"

"Very. I dunno, he was lonely or however he put it. I could of fought for myself, but I wasn't really strong until I started the gym. I learnt he didn't bother if I kept my mouth shut"

"Look friend to friend now ,if anything happens with you and Em and you don't want to go proofs or anything ,I live on my own and you can always crash at mine"

"Thanks, I appreciate it. With me, Kim and Dawn pretty much living at Marshall's, I might take you up on that offer" I laughed and he nodded.

"So ,what's all the shit between you and the scott twins then?" he asked ,raising his eyebrows.

"They bulled me, beat me up and shit. Now i'm starting a different school, i'm going to start standing up for myself and get rid of the dicks"

"Ahh I see what you mean, you sound like a tough bitch to be fair"

"Will you stop calling me a bitch ,you shit face" I huffed.

"Shit face? That was mean"

"Well ,if you're going to call me bitch all the time, then shit face is your new nickname. Deal with it"

"Man ,I like you" he laughed "stubborn, hard ,and a sassy bitch"

"Pfftt shit face. Should we get going?"

"Yeah come on ,Em probably think's i'm trying some shit on you ,he's never trusted me"

We then left and it was quiet between us.

I thought to myself ,well concentrating on where I was going. I could understand Marshall not trusting Blake to be fair, he seem's nice enough ,but he look's like someone who would be very two faced and sneaky.

We made it back to the courts and everyone was lying on the grass talking, the girls had now joined the lads and were laughing about something.

"Yo ,home girl's back " Proof announced and everyone turned in my direction.

Dawn scoffed at me, Kim frowned at me ,and Marshall gave me a weird look. I also earned a disappointed look off Proof.

"Care to enlighten me why the fuck you're all looking at me like I have two fucking heads?"

"They're not happy you kicked dawn. Guys said you need control your anger" Von spoke up, swift nodded confirming. All four of them shot a hatful glare towards Von(Kuniva) and turned back to me.

"I'm not being the bitch who makes a group of people hate each other, so I will just leave" I said "hey Blake, you know how you said I could chill at yours?"

He smiled and nodded "come on ,i'm the only one with a car" He grinned, holding up his keys.

"Fuck that, you're staying with me" Marshall huffed, who now appeared next to me.

"Nope, you and your girlfriends sister can sort this shit out. I will see you tomorrow or what ever"

"Stay safe soph, look after her man. Anything happens, I put a bullet in you" Marshall threatened. Blake nodded. I was thankful Marshall wasn't a dick about everything.

We made it to Blake's not long after and I pretty much collapsed on his couch.


"Hit me"

He walked back in with a bottle of beer and I thanked him.

"Man I need this thanks" I laughed.

"So Marshall's very protective of you then?"

"Yep ,very. He won't let me out of his sight" I groaned.

"Why so?"

"First time I OD'ed. Next time I ran off home and he couldn't find me"

"You OD'ed?" He asked in shock.

"Oh ,so he didn't tell you that bit?" I laughed and he looked at me astonished.

"Why the fuck would you do that?"

"Gave up with the world" I shrugged.

After hour's of talking ,I ended up falling asleep on the couch. At some point Blake covered me over and went to bed.

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