Chapter twenty-Five

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Sophie's POV

"I want to meet this dude" Mike said. I nodded and got out of his car. He followed me to Marshall's door. I knocked on and stood patiently by Mike.



"Who's this?"

"Marshall, my brother Michael, Mikey this is Marshall"

"Come in" Marshall nodded and let me and Mike in. "Sophie what the fuck, why did you run off like that?"

"Because you called me a bitch and lost your shit"

"Hang on, you called her a bitch? I think we might have some problems here mate" Mikey piped up.

"You had just told me you had a pill problem and told me I couldn't help you!" Marshall defended.

"Still man you don't call a girl a bitch, it's a small pill problem nothing we can't sort out. Whats the big deal?" Mikey questioned.

"The big deal is, she is fucking suicidal and a few pills soon becomes more pills, next thing you know ,she fucking OD's again. She is not leaving me!"

"Suicidal? OD again? Soph you left that out". Mikey spun around to me.

"Let it fucking go Marshall, it was one time!"

"What about the drowning? What about the wrists? Soph please I need you"

"I don't think she feels comfortable talking about this right now" Michael cleared hi throat. I bit down on my lip.

"Michael why don't you just go explore 8 mile or go home?" I composed myself.

"Fine, I will head home. How you getting back?"

"If I come back ,I will get the bus ,or just stay the night ,bye"

He left after a goodbye, leaving me and Marshall sitting there awkwardly.

"I just came down here to say i'm sorry and to see if you were ok with me. There was no need for all that to happen" I informed him.

"I guess the feeling came out all in one go hey?" He laughed sadly. "So you have a brother then?"

"Apparently yeah" I laughed.

"Stay tonight?"

"Maybe" I shrugged. "Marshall ,I love you"

"I love you to Brooksie" he grinned hugging me. "So how is your mom?"

"Don't know ,I didn't really speak to her" I shrugged, unfazed.

"Oh right, fair enough" he nodded.

I smiled and laughed with Marshall ,but on the inside I was dying. I don't know why ,but depression can take over the body, it controls the mind ,it makes you want to just hurt yourself. It's like real pain is better than the emotional pain.

Back at my dads home, I have a punching bag because it stops me from punching the walls. I think i've broke my hand 2 times and I always bust my knuckle.

I need pain, I just want to feel better about myself. Marshall tried to help but he makes things worse and I don't know why.

"You ok?"

"Yeah ,yeah. I'm fine" I smiled up at him. Help.

"You know Soph ,blue eyes are a curse"

"Why are they?" I asked curiously.

"Because they tell everyone your emotions. Now tell me whats up"

"Just tired I guess, bored. I dunno" I shrugged.


"Yeah ,yeah" I nodded and he switched MTV on and pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arm around me.

"Marshall where the fuck are you? Watch your brother ,i'm going bingo" Debbie announced loudly ,walking through the front door.

"In here mom, will you stop shouting?" Marshall huffed and Debbie walked in and Nate ran to us. "are you fucking drunk?" Marshall asked ,pissed off.

"Shut up, i'm going bingo" with that ,she left. I heard the front door slam not to long after.

"Hey natey" I grinned as he jumped on me. I flinched a bit as he jumped on a bruise on my leg but brushed it off and hugged him.

"Nate be careful!" Marshall warned Nate ,who said sorry.

"Hey Marshall ,it's ok don't worry" I laughed.

"Now you have some company ,i'm going to shower, ok?"

"Yeah yeah" I nodded.

Marshall left to shower. Nate sat with me and I put something for him to watch on t.v.

"Wha up doph?" Nate asked ,which was really cute.

"Nothing bud ,i'm fine" I assured him. He nodded, satisfied with my response.

I was tired, really tired. Not physically tired ,just emotionally tired, the pain inside of me is killing me slowly and it's horrible. I stretched my legs fully out on the couch and nate lay in my arms, happily watching the small t.v in front of him.

My body soon pulled me to a deep sleep ,in which I didn't want to be in ,because it gives my brain time to torment me.

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