Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Sophie's POV

"Look Marshall, all I'm saying is, if you just work on your legs twice a week, it will stop being painful" I explained as we walked out of the gym.

"No! Soph, you aren't human. If I pushed any more weight, my legs would've snapped, I'm telling you! My legs felt like literal jelly right now" He complained.

"Sweetie, you are so dramatic. Wait until I tell Gaz, he will not let you live this down!" I smirked as we neared Gaz's house.

I let both me and Marshall into Gaz's with my key. It was strangely quiet, something didn't feel right.

"Gaz?" I shouted but there was not answer "he must be out at a party" I said to Marshall and walked into the living room. Time froze. "Oh my god Jamie!" I gasped looking down at his weak body on the floor. He smiled, well tried. I crotched down next to him. His pulse was barley there.

"Hello, we need an ambulance" I heard Marshall say on the phone in another room.

"Jame, can you hear me?" I shook him slightly.

"Heroin" he gasped for air ,looking into my eyes.

"You took heroin?" I asked sternly, not sure what he was telling me.

"No. Someone. Money." He drifted.

"Someone gave you a heroin overdose ,because you owed them money?" I put the puzzle together.

"Ye.. Help me Soph"  he begged.

"Jamie it will all be ok babe, now just don't speak" I sushed him. "Keep those pretty eyes open for me" I encouraged.

Marshall walked in, phone in hand. He knelt down next to me and Jamie. "What happened?" Marshall asked.

I took the phone from Marshall. "Hello?" I said.

"Hi Miss, the ambulance is on his way, can you give me any more information?" The operator asked, calmly.

"It's heroin. Please tell them to hurry. There is a lot in his system"

"They are 5 minutes out. Is he still breathing?"

"Barley, but yes" I confirmed. "The paramedics are here. Thank you so much for your help" I thanked as the ambulance pulled up outside and the crew ran in.

"Heroin?" Marshall raised an eyebrow, as the paramedics attended to Jamie.

"Do you remember me telling you about how my mate once got murdered by someone giving him an heroine overdoes?"

"Yeah? That happened? Why?" He gasped.

" Money or something" I shrugged.

"Hey, calm down. He will be okay. You're shaking, come here" he opened his arms up and I gratefully accepted his embrace.

"Jame, I will ring Gaz. Stay alive for me! We will be right by your side" I shouted as they wheeled him out if the door. "Fucking, sons of a bitch!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face. Marshall grip tightened on me. For that short moment, I felt like the world was okay. No on can ever hurt us.

"Come on. Let's head up the hospital" he spoke so softly, I almost didn't recognise Marshalls voice. "We got here in time, he will be fine , beautiful"

"You can't make me feel so calm" I shook my head. "Things are not okay" I gritted my teeth, angry at the world.

"I will always make sure you are okay. Let's go to the hospital" he soothed, gripping my hand and heading for the door.

The ambulance had already gone, seconds ago. I can just picture his pale face, his still body. If I hadn't gone the gym, I could've stopped this.

We got in a taxi and Marshall held my hand tight as he spoke to the driver.

"Listen to me, Sophie" Marshall got my attention. "You are fourteen years old, fourteen. No one should go through the kind of hell you have beeb through, ever, let alone this young. Gary and Jamie are amazing people, they helped you through very bad times and were there for you. They are in some bad shit, Soph. I know they mean so much to you, but don't hurt yourself protecting anyone else, you are to vulnerable. Gaz and Jamie would tell you exactly what I am now. I love you, Miss Brookes, I don't want anything to ever happen to you, ever. Jamie is going to be just fine. The beat way to help him, is to be there for him. This isn't your fault at all. Don't do anything stupid"

"I love you, Marshall Mathers" I cried, jumping in his lap, hugging him, as we pulled up at the hospital.

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