Chapter Sixty-One

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Marshall's POV

"Kim? Why the fuck are you here?" I was fucking fuming. It was a whisper shout but I wanted to shout at her so loudly, but we are in a public place.

Sure we had finished the food a while ago but Soph was starting to actually open up to us about things, which rarely happens anymore.

Kim always seems to show up at the worst of times. I specifically told her it was just me, Soph, Dawson and Halstead.

I had excused myself from the table to talk to her in the corner. I saw her keep looking across to Jay in attempt to get his attention.

"Are you fucking serious Kimberly? Trying to flirt with someone right in front of my fucking face? Halstead ain't like that babe! He doesn't come jumping in bed with the first slut he lays eyes on" I rolled my eyes and she smirked at me. "Leave! I'm not coming home tonight, tell my mom I am at proofs or something, cos that's probably where I end up"

"Just had to check you weren't cheating on me"

"Me cheat on you? Ok Kim ,ok. Go flirt with that old guy over there I think he glanced at you" I scolded ,walking back to Soph.

"Everything alright?" She whispered up to me and I nodded and smiled.

Kim does piss me off sometimes, all the time actually. She has no trust in me. We all know she would be the bitch to cheat on me!

I think I still love Soph. It sucks, she has Antonio and I know I have Kim but I just love this girl, her laugh, her smile, her personality, everything.

I know I will never get to be with her, it sucks so much. I will be there to protect her though, forever and always.

"You definitely ok Marshiebear?" She asked again, I love her.

"I'm fine, don't worry" I assured you.

"Why would you lie to me?" She huffed and stood up. She made Jay swap places with her and she rested her head onto Antonio's shoulder.

"Marshall, lets go get desert man!" Halstead smiled and I nodded standing up. "Normal?" He asked and Soph and Antonio nodded their head.

"Yo man ,you ok?" Halstead questions waiting in the queue. I looked across to Soph and sighed. "You love her don't you?"

Is it that obvious? Nah.

"Their relationship, it's a real relationship. There's love, passion, honesty. I have Kim, she doesn't even trust i'm getting pizza with my mates. Kim isn't loyal, Kim isn't as loving"

"So why are you with her?"

"I just need it. I don't want to be on my own, she's a fuck as well. I don't know man, I do love Kim a lot, no matter how much of a bitch she is, but..."

"But she's not Soph..."

"Yeah" I sighed. "I can't tell her that is what's wrong"

"We are all here for you man" he frowned putting his arm on my shoulder.

She suddenly just walked to the toilets slightly crying. Probably because of me...

Sophie's POV

"Hey what's wrong?" Antonio asked clearly noticing my mood change.

"He lied to me Antonio.." Tears escaped my eyes. "Why would he not just tell me. Is it my fault."

"He just doesn't want to worry you Soph"

"Well i'm fucking worried! Fucking great best friend isn't he, he doesn't fucking trust me enough to tell me what is wrong"

"Why do you care so much?"

"Because I fucking care about him Antonio! Why the fuck else? He saved me, he made me who I am now!"

"You love him then?"

"Of course I love him, he means the world to me! He is my fucking best friend!"

"No. I mean you love him.." he said more stern.

"What the fuck Antonio? Are you serious? Why would you even say that?" I was so annoyed ,for no real reason. I stood up and walked to the bathroom ,ignoring Antonio.

I walked into a stall and threw up everything I just ate. I was so pissed off, it made me ill.

I cleaned myself up and walked back out, ignoring them all. I walked straight up to the table, got $60 dollars out and put it on the table.

"Do what you want with the change" I told them bluntly and walked out of the door.

I jogged up the road for a bit. I eventually just slowed down, I felt sick again. I walked up an ally and just threw up.

"Are you ok?"

I spun around and was thankful it was Halstead and not some random stranger. He sighed and walked up to me.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Nothing to talk about" I shrugged and carried on walking up the ally.

"Soph you are going into the bad part of Detroit..."

"Oh well"

"Just stop! I am trying to fucking help you Sophie! Don't give me this bullshit that you don't need help either! You are about to burst into tears!" He shouted at me. I did, I burst into tears and punched the wall with so much force. I fell to the floor and cried and blood flowed from my fist.

Jay picked me up and I just cried on to him. He spun around and started to walk. He stopped for a moment and I felt the presence of other people.

"Really not a good time Dawson! Leave!" He ordered.

"She is my girlfriend!"

"Right now ,I don't give a shit who she is to you! She is coming with me, she is going to tell me everything that is wrong and you are not going to be there"

"Halstead.. Please" he sounded so hurt it just made me cry more.

"I will come down to you later Dawson, with her"

"Is this my fault?" Marshal. He was crying, my heart broke into a thousand pieces.

"Go Dawson's, I will talk to you both later" He never waited for a response, he carried on walking.

I calmed myself down eventually. "I'm good, you can put me down"

"Sure?" I nodded my head and he put me down.

"Soph your hand!" He gasped. "It's still bleeding! That is so bad!"

"Yep it's a bruiser" I laughed. "Shit man, I will have to buy you a new top"

"Ah no sweat. How does your mood just change like that?"

"Don't know. Got any fags?"

"Sophie, living with you for time taught me one thing, always keep some fags and a lighter on me for when you need it" he laughed handing me one.

"Yeah Antonio has mine in his hoodie" just like that I was in tears again ,at the thought of him.

"Ok, what has Antonio done? Oh my god Soph did he hurt you?" Concern was evident in his voice.

"No. I will explain in a second" I lit up a cigarette and walked down the road slowly as we neared Jay's.

I finished my fag and walked up to Jay's door. I was still very on edge, I was so fed up, in a lot of pain, my stomach, my hand and my head from the crying.

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