Chapter Sixteen

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Sophie's POV

"Oh my fucking god, you are actually a babe" I grinned when Blake handed me pancakes.

"Aren't I just?" He laughed ,sitting at the end of my feet.

"Blake ,these are actually amazing"

"You know ,you're the only person who call's me Blake, everyone just call's me fuzz"

"Why the fuck do all of you have a stage name? Oh and because you have a lovely name. I only just started calling DeShaun ,Proof ,and it's hard to get use to" I shrugged.

"We sort of were just messing around rapping and stuff and Marshall was just like: 'guys my initials sound like the candy m&m's' ,then Eminem came about and we all thought of stage names"

"How'd you get yours?"

"Dunno I think it was Em who goes 'mate you sound fuzzy'. So I sort of went with fuzz and proof sort of just came up with his himself ,I dunno where he got it from"

"It's actually cool, it's creative"

"It's also good at rap battles because people remember it more than your actual name"

"Yeah I get what you mean. Hey, thanks for this Blake, being around Marshall all the time is difficult. I don't know why the fuck they were all so weird with me earlier"

"That will be the fault of the Scott twin's ,they like to cause shit" he huffed.

"Yupp, what time is it?"

"Almost 11"

"I might go down to Proofs"

"Come on ,I will drive you down, I got to go work at half past anyway " he smiled, grabbing his keys.

"Thanks Blake! See you soon" I thanked ,getting out of his car once at proofs.

"What if he's not in?"

"Then I will walk to Marshall's.I will be fine trust me. See you later" he nodded. He drove off as I walked and knocked on Proofs door ,who answered after the third knock.

"Yo Kid, come in" He welcomed ,letting me in.

"Tar" I thanked ,walking in to the lounge.

"Why you not gone Marshall's?"

"Don't want to!"


"Just don't"

"Is it Kim and Dawn?"

"Don't give two shits about them" I huffed.

"Marshall doesn't trust you and Blake you know"

"Figured to be fair, I don't give a shit, I don't trust Kim, bet he'd have something to say about that"

"Yeah but Blake's like, yanno... he take's advantage and is just a dick sometimes. As much as I love him and all, he is a very odd character and is sly. To be fair it's like his life and back story is not there, like everything's just sort of ...fuzzy"

"I see what you did there. To be fair De ,I can't judge a character I have only just met. I was very wary of Marshall at first, I didn't know if I trusted him."

"Yeah but you only just met fuzz and now you're sleeping round his fucking house?"

"I didn't know Marshall and I slept at his the night I met him. Fucking hell man ,I don't care if I slept over someones who was a fucking murdered. If they hurt me fair enough ,my own stupid fault ,but it would make me feel better than it happening by my dad"

"Fuck sakes Soph, I don't know what to fucking say right now!" He huffed in frustration.

"I'm going to see Marshall you coming or staying here?"

"I will be round in a bit"

I nodded and left, calling a cab. I arrived at Marshall's. I knocked on the door and Debbie opened it happily.

"Oh Sophie, I was wondering where you were ,come in ,come in. Marshall, Kimberly and Dawn are still sleeping" she greeted and I smiled, walking in.

"Hey bud" I grinned sitting on the floor next to Nate.

"Actually Sophie, if you are ok with it ,I need to go grocery shopping. Would you be able to watch Nathan for me?"

"Course Debbie, see you in a bit" I nodded. She thanked me and left.

"Well little man, if you're anything like your big bro ,girls are going to love you when you're older" I whispered, tickling his belly ,earning a giggle.

We ended up putting the t.v on and Nate fell asleep on me. I smiled down at him.

I know these weeks have been hard with me, but now that i'm ok, well I have a cast on but yeah now that I appear stable enough Marshall's sort of just fucked me off ,you know?

I miss my dad, not the monster at my home now, but my real dad, my old dad ,that I loved. I still love him ,as much as it pains me to admit, but you obviously will still love the only family you had ,even if it has been a rough journey.

"Soph? What are you doing here?" A voice spoke up ,pulling me from my thoughts.

"I came to see my friend ,and Debbie wanted me to watch Nate well she went to the shops so I stayed"

"Soph, i'm sorry my sister is such a bitch. She just wants to feel better about herself"

"I don't care Kim, i'm starting Lincoln in a few weeks ,so I want a fresh start so i'm putting it in the past as of now."

She nodded and a sleepy Marshall walked in.

"Kim who the fuck you talking to? You're so fucking loud!" Marshall huffed and woke up a bit more, finally noticing me.

I didn't smile ,but I didn't give him a cold look. I just shrugged, handing Nate his toy car.

"Oh Soph! You're ok then?" I nodded and he frowned. "kim go shower"

"I don't need a shower"

"Just go fucking have a long bath or whatever!" She nodded and left the room.

"Marshall, Nate's here watch your language!"

"Oh trust me he's heard worse from our alcoholic mother"

"Well at least your fucking mother cares for you, feeds you, buys you things ,and gives you a roof to shelter yo ass!"

"I know you have no fucking family, but the way I feel towards my mother ,is my fucking choice! Yeah I have a parent, you don't. May as well not have a mom ,she does jack shit for me!"

I didn't respond as a turned my body completely on the floor. My broken leg extended one side of Nate and the other leg sort of crossed. I played car's with Nate and silently cried to myself ,as marshall got some food or something.

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