Chapter Twenty-Six

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Sophie's POV

"Don't let go Marshall" I begged, my grip slipping.

"Sorry bitch, this is what we all want"

"You should of just let me die the first 3 times Marshall" I snarled.

"Now what fun would that be? Then I wouldn't of been able to see you suffer for so long"

"If you let go of me now, you won't get to see me suffer again"

"Well I guess I will have to live with it Soph"

"I love you Marshall, forever and always" I cried as my hand slowly slipped from his grip.

"Soph" He shouted trying to grab my hand again. Don't pretend to care now.

It was too late, I was out of his reach. I now prepared myself for my death ,as my body plummeted off the high cliff, to the sharp rocks below.

Marshall promised me he would love me for forever and always, but like I always said promises are made to be broken.

My body hit the sharp rocks and everything went black.

This is the end.


Marshall's POV

"Soph! Sophie!"

This is so fucking scary, it's been half an hour now and she just won't wake up. She just keeps flinching and crying ,it's horrible to watch.

I put Nate to bed as soon as I got out the shower and saw Soph asleep. Then she started to dream and cry and shake. She has been in my arms ever since.

How the fuck do I wake her up? I bent down and kissed her on her forehead and rocked her slowly until she finally stopped shaking.

"Hey soph? Wake up" I tried once more whispering in her ear and she slowly tried to open her eyes.

"Am I dead now?"

"Not on my watch" I told her and she looked up at me.

"Funny ,because you are the one who let me go"

"Never. Never will I let you go Miss Brookes"

"This has been one weird ass ,fucking, son of a bitch day ,ay dickhead?"

"You swear like a fucking sailor" I laughed.

"Can we go bed?"

"Yeah ,of course we can" I smiled and picked her up.

" I can walk ,you know" she laughed.

"Now what fun is that?"

"You are an odd child" she grinned.

"You know it hoe" I nodded. "wait ,no.nI didn't mean it! You aren't a hoe! Sorry"

"Marshall I know when you're joking and when you aren't"

"I love you"

"Love you too, dickhead" she yawned ,as I lay her down on the bed.

"Hey ,I have some of your pj's here ,if you want them on?" I remembered.

"I just want to sleep"

"Soph, babe, they look like the most uncomfortable clothes in the world" I frowned and she looked up at me tiredly.

"Oh they are, my jeans have cut into my side. Then ,my bra is digging in me and the straps on this top are giving me a rash" she huffed.

"Change then" I said ,throwing her some of her pj shorts and my baggy top.

"Fine" She huffed and made me turn around as she changed. "Ok i'm good, I will be two secs, let me go rub off my make up"

I got changed well she was in the bathroom and ended up just in my boxers, but oh well, it's only Soph.

Soph walked back in with no make up on, her hair tied up and my t-shirt pretty much went over the shorts she had on and she looked fucking adorable!

"You know what makes me laugh Marshall? The fact you are only 5"8 and i'm 5"6 and a half"

"Shut up! Not my fault i'm small" I defended and she just laughed and got into bed ,I got in next to her.

"Did I tell you I love you?" I asked.

"Too many times Marshall"

"Well I don't care, as long as you know. I love you"

"Love you too Marshall" She yawned.

"Hey Soph? Why do you never have to take pills around me?"

"Something about you keeps me calm I guess ,plus I don't have them with me so I don't feel like I need them. But once I take one ,I take another ,which means I just don't sleep ,so I take more and more, but I don't need them now because i'm tired.." She drifted off.

"Well if i'm the only thing that stops you ,I guess you will have to be around me a lot more"


"Shh sleep now princess you are knackered" I shushed her and kissed her forehead. She soon drifted off.

I feel like all of this has happened because of me! Why was I such a dickhead?

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