Chapter Sixty

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Sophie's POV

"Jamie" I cried hugging him like he was my life source.

"Hey you ok Soph? What's wrong?" Jamie asked with concern letting me in.

"I just missed you" I smiled. I walked to the kitchen and Gaz was slowly getting through a small bottle of vodka.

"Gaz spill it! Something is wrong" I huffed sitting down making him jump.

He turned around and looked at me. He put his glass down and came and hugged me tightly. He had drank quite a bit of the bottle and was a bit unsteady.

"Just can't do this anymore"

"Do what Gaz?"

"A cop knocked on my house earlier, knew all about the drugs, fair enough all of Detroit know. He can get me arrested Soph, he can take everything because it's purchased with drug money.. I'd lose it all, i'd lose my brother"

"What was the cops name?"

"Voight or something"

"You are joking? I was going to say I know a cop who could get all of this investigation scraped.."

"That's brilliant!!"

"He's the cop I know.."

"How do you know him?"

"Antonio is involved with him"

"I bet the prick has been investigating me all this time!" His anger grew and he made a fist.

"Calm down" I moved away from him a bit. "Gaz he has only known him a few months.. He is not the problem! He can fix it"

"You better be fucking right Sophie!"

"When am I fucking wrong Gary?!"

"Gary? Woah that is cold"

"You called me Sophie!"

"That's your name"

"And Gary is yours! Now calm your shit ,you drunk mess ,you are so argumentative"

"I'm argumentative? Have you met yourself?"

"See ,you are arguing about being argumentative!" I rolled my eyes and walked back into where Jamie was, which was now the living room.

"You know Soph, I would not be here right now if it wasn't for you.." He said out of the blue in deep thought.

"Hey Jame, if it weren't for you and Gaz, I wouldn't be here either"

"How so?"

"You kept me sane in a thing no person would be able to. Yeah maybe because of the drugs but still, just knowing you"

"We never really spoke..."

"Really Jame? I remember our drunk conversation, don't you?"

He burst into fits of laughter to the point tears started to roll down his cheeks. "You remember them? You were always so out of it"

"Oh god yeah. I mean unicorns that shit sweets, who doesn't remember that shit?"

"Oh my god ,I remember that! Yeah good times" he suddenly frowned and I sat next to him.

"Why the mood change?"

"Soph.. You told me about your dad. You made me promise not to tell anyone and I didn't.. I feel so fucking stupid"

"Hey, I would of hated you if you broke a promise" I tried to make him feel better and just hugged him.

"I'm sorry"

"No sweat" I laughed and stood up and walked back into Gaz.

"Put it down, you've had enough" I huffed grabbing the bottle of him. "You go to bed. I'm going to find Antonio"

He nodded and slumped off to bed. I rolled my eyes and walked back into Jamie.

"Hey, I got to run. I love you, I will probably head down here tomorrow if you are in?"

"Yeah I will be in, if not check the gym. I love you too Soph" he smiled. I gave him a quick hug and left.

"Hey it's fine! I won't let them take everything from them Soph! Hey, Voight owes me at the end of the day. I promise you Soph, they will be fine"

"You better have got this Antonio! Those two mean everything to me! They helped me so much, I can't let their world tumble now"

"Baby girl" he soothed hugging me. "I said I got this"

"Thank you Antonio, it means so much"

"Anything for you princess. I'd do anything for them two anyway!"

"What time is it?"I suddenly asked.

"Half past 3"

"I need to get ready"

"You have ages..."

"I need to shower.." I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room and heard him laugh.


"Hey baby, i'm heading down to Gazs!" Antonio announced walking into me doing my make up.

"Did you talk to Voight?"

"He's still in the living room..."

"He is in the house?!"

"He has been the past hour Soph"

I fished up my make up and got up. I walked past Antonio and into Voight.

"Sophie, pleasure to see you again" Voight smiled.

"Detective, it is amazing what you are doing and all, but Detroit is full of druggies, don't target my people"

"I searched you up Miss Brookes. Violent dad, broke home, raped and abused"

"How has that got anything to do with what i've just said?"

"He was your drug dealer wasn't he? You were an addict weren't you"

"I like you Detective, you put together things. He is my best friend, you were from a broke home too detective, neglected by your parents, i'm guessing you racked up a long list on your criminal record but you got them erased. Don't profile me and don't try to fuck over my friends"

"If you want a job in Chicago when I am in charge, call me" he smiled and walked passed me.

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