Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Sophie's POV

"Sophie?" He gasped opening the door.

"Dawson? Why you been crying?" I frowned and hugged him.

"I thought I lost you all"

"I told you I still loved you"

"Yeah but you could of been trying to get rid of me"

"I still love you Dawson, chill"

" I can't understand you, you just click like nothing happened"

"Did you find Halstead?" I suddenly asked as we all walked in.

"Yeah, he is down pub" he nodded and we all sat down.

"Good. Hey Antonio, where do you see yourself in 10 years" I asked leaning on him.


"Chicago? How come?"

"To be with my little sister and I want to be a cop"

" you want to be a fucking cop?!" Blake gasped.

"Yeah. I can't stand seeing people get away with so much shit, I want to keep the people safe. I love the idea of bringing the bad guy down you know?" He explained. "I'm going to go over after i've finished university in Detroit"

"Chicago? Antonio you finish college in 3 years.."

"I know princess"

"What if we are still together then? You just leave?"

"Come to Chicago with me..."

"Antonio.. But..." I didn't have anything to say and Marshall just looked at me, no movement, waiting for my answer.

"What have you got to lose over here? Marshall, Proof, Blake.. The other lads, your brother? Other than that what is here but shitty memories? We can visit everyone down here"

"Dawson, we will have to see when it is that time"

"I suppose. Halstead is coming to Chicago once he has finished college too"

"Yeah Jay said he wanted to be a cop.. But why Chicago?"

"It's where we grew up, it's a part of us"

"Fair enough" I frowned.

"Where do you two see yourself in ten years?" Antonio asked Blake and Marshall.

"I want a kid probably and I want to be big all over the world, not that it could happen. I just don't want to be a broke bum the rest of my life" Marshall dreamed.

"I don't have plans, just want to make it I guess" Blake added.

"Soph?" Antonio looked down at me.

"I just want to be happy in 10 years, doing whatever makes me happy I have no idea" I really had no clue.

Antonio smiled at me and brought me closer to him and kissed my forehead. Now maybe i'm kidding myself but i'm sure Marshall was trying to not look at us and felt uncomfortable.

Marshall's POV

Man I hope she doesn't go to Chicago with him. Antonio is great but i'm scared he will hurt her not just physically but emotionally.

Then again she forgives him so easily, like she used to with me. You can see they love each other, they just have that look, which me and Kim sure as hell don't have.

I love Soph, a lot more than what I should to be honest. She was the only person that ever bothered to learn how I work other than Proof.

Soph may say I saved her, but if I'm honest, I think she saved me. She made me realise how important people in my life are and how much it would hurt for them to be taken away.

I've seen so much since i've known her, I've learnt so much. I've seen people overdose, some die, some survive. I've seen people get stabbed and shot. I've smoked weed, met new people, stood up for myself.

I know that no matter what happens between us I would be a lier and a dickhead to say she never meant anything to me. I love her, I really do.

It hurts to see him and her together, but at the same time i'm glad she is happy and it's my fault I am with Kim and never really told Soph how I feel.

Blake nudged me and gave me a 'you ok?' Look, I just nodded and snapped out of my thoughts.

Soph looked tired, really tired. Antonio on the other hand look fed up, done, just as though he has given up.

"Dawson? What's eating at you, brothe' ?" I asked him, tilting my head slightly.

"Things, people can be taken away so quickly from us, sometimes it's our fault, sometimes it's there or sometimes it's someone else's fault. It's hard to see what we have until it's nearly or has gone. It's crazy you know?"

"Trust me Dawson, I know what it is like to be close to losing someone. It opened up my eyes, just remember to spend as much time possible with the people you truly love" I sighed and Soph and I exchange a brief glance.

"Marshall, if I had died you would of had to move on. At the end of the day you guys, things happen for a reason, possibly to make us stronger, to make us aware. Big things change you in massive ways, sometimes good, sometimes bad, we all learn from it. I hate people saying 'if only I..' Fuck that, shoulda, woulda, coulda. We learn to deal with it, if you lose someone, you make the best out of the shit situation" Soph blurted out, I know this took me hugely by surprise and judging Blakes and Antonio's face ,they were taken back too.

"I love you Soph.."

"I love you too Marshiebear and I always will" she smiled at me.

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