Autumn Rain²

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"Where's Wooyoung?" Yunho was asked the moment he stepped out of the kitchen. His co-worker leaning behind the counter.

"He's using the bathroom." the male replied, his figure searching for the costumer at table three.

After a moment he found a male in the distance sitting on table three.

"Where is table 3's order? Wooyoung asked me to cover for him." Yunho watched as his co-owrker turned his back, picking up a tray containg a nice warm cup of coffee and a slice of apple pie.

"You're working too hard.." the other says causing the taller to smile. "I get that alot." Yunho carefully took the circular tray in his huge hands, making his way to the table.

It was a small table at the corner of the store. The more he got closer to the table, the more he studied the person's face.

He had blond hair with a very muscular body slouching in his seat. His attention glued on his phone while pouting, probably not his day today.

Yunho just chuckled lightly to himself before setting the tray on the circular table. The male who was comfortably sitting down instantly sat up properly, fixing his posture and hiding his phone.

"Oh sorry-" the male suddenly stopped for a second before tilting his head up. Suddenly relaxing his muscles that had stiffen.

"Its alright, please be comfortable." Yunho smiled. Placing the hot cup of coffee on the table, followed by the small plate with the sliced apple pie.

"I just thought you were the brown barista.." he mumbled to himself, thinking that the male infront of him serving didn't hear him.

"Do you know him by any chance?" asked the taller, not making eye contact with the costumer.

The other could only gulp in completely silence. Shifting uncomfortably in his seat, ignoring the awkwardness between him and the tall barista.

"Just a high school friend.." he nervously replied, his attention glued to the table where his hot order was sitting.

Yunho just smiled, lifting the tray. "Enjoy your afternoon." said the male before leaving the poor costumer all flustered for no reason in his seat.

"Hey wait!" was heard from his table, causing Yunho to turn his back around. Seeing the same costumer.

"Hmm?" he hummed calmly in response, making his way back to the stranger. "Do you need anything?"

"He's Wooyoung right?" the person asks, his cheeks suddenly flushed red the moment he hesitantly asked about him.

"I would say so."

"What time will he be off?"

Yunho getting the hint of what was going on at the moment. Causing the taller to smirk. "What's your name?"

"Choi San." he tilted his head back up, "I-i'm a friend of Wooyoung back in High School."

"I see.." the taller slowly nodded, his head turning to the counter where he saw Wooyoung exiting the kitchen in his working clothes.

"He'll be closing tonight, so around 10pm I believe." Yunho remarked, attention landing back on San.

"Thank you- uhm.." he awkwardly says, confusion in his tone as he said the last word. His eyes landing on Yunho's chest where his name tag was.

"Yunho.." San hesitantly smiled at the barista.

"You're welcome, enjoy your day." the taller smiled before finally walking away.

San took this chance to finally eat his apple pie happily. Smiling to himself knowing that he would be waiting all night for Wooyoung's shift to end.

Turns out Wooyoung and San were high school sweethearts back then. Everyone believed the two were dating.

But they weren't actually dating. Let's just say they were flirting with no feelings involved and without the dirty stuff.

Good friends acting like a couple every chance they get. Neither of them knowing that it would only lead to something that would ruin their friendship like any other idiots actions.

Falling for each other but didn't take it further than friends. Afraid that once they break up there would be no more communication with each other.

It still did ruin their friendship, both of them ended up going seperate ways in order to distract themselves.

Dating their opposite genders but some relationships just didn't work out for them. It was like that until they graduated without talking to each other, completely ignoring the fact that they used to be good friends.

It sounded pretty much fake to Yunho but Wooyoung on the other hand was pretty much stressed out about the whole situation now that he and San had unexpectably met again.

"Wooyoung, you just wasted 13 minutes of my shift." Yunho said, taking off his green apron before placing it inside a small locker.

"I'm dead serious Yunho." Wooyoung crossed his arms infront of his chest. In disbelief that the person infront of him is calling him a liar after he explained his whole life drama to him.

"Yeah yeah, I have better things to do." Yunho teased, wearing his blue baseball cap and wrapping his jacket over his shoulder.

Only yearning a sigh from Wooyoung, his back hitting the other lockers as he watched the older change into his outside clothes.

The small locker room filled with an awkward tension. Not daring to mutter out a single word.

"So how's Gunho?" the younger suddenly asked, breaking the silence between them. "He's been better." Yunho replies before standing up.

Grabbing the umbrella that was hanging along with the other umbrella's and coats on the wall.

"Have a nice day Woo." Yunho patted the shorter male's back, assuring him with a small smile causing Wooyoung to give him a confused look.

"What did you eat this time?"

"Shut up and take care of yourself." he remarked before leaving the staff's room, leaving Yeosang rather dumbfounded.

"Oh and I might or might not have told him when your shift ends." Yunho sneakily said, leaving the staff's room before Wooyoung could curse at him.

His eyes roamed the inside of the shop for the last time. His attention being caught by a male sitting at table 6.

It was the same tall male who he offered a towel to dry himself. He had been there for the past minutes and didn't seem to have left yet.

Yunho just smiled to himself. The stranger just probably needed some time for himself which didn't think much of.

With that, the taller opened his umbrella and stepped outside the coffe shop. Walking to his parked car, quickly hopping inside before driving off to pick up his brother.

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