Every Moment¹⁵

101 10 75

Jeong Yunho

"Yunho? Guys?" a gentle voice woke him up.

Seonghwa was standing beside the couch where Yunho was sleeping, TJ hugging him also fast asleep.

"Seonghwa?" he quietly calls his name, rubbing his eyes while yawning. His large palm finding a way to hold the boy beside him by resting it behind his back.

"Someone had fun." Hongjoong laughs, making his way towards Mingi who was sleeping in his chair behind the table with PJ  sleeping like a rock on his lap while his large hands held her back to prevent her from falling back.

The loud voices seemed to wake up the boy in Yunho's arms. He started shifting until he looked at Seonghwa with his tired eyes and messy hair.

"When did you guys get back? What time is it even?" he asks himself, rolling up his sleeve to check his watch which was hanging loosely around his wrist.

"Just got here, its around 4:23pm." Seonghwa replies, picking up TJ who wanted to be carried.

Yunho sighs, pressing a pillow against his face. "I overslept and didn't even update on Gunho.." he curses to himself.

"How long did you guys sleep for?" Hongjoong notices the change in his mood.

While waiting for the other's reply. He carefully tried to take PJ from Mingi's lap without waking him up. And when he managed to hold her, he couldn't lift her up when Mingi's hands held her body a little more tighter. His shut eyes now wide open as he glares at Hongjoong.

"For four hours?." Yunho's voice seemed to caught Mingi's attention and seemed to realize what was going on.

"Sorry, hyung.." Mingi silently apologizes, loosening his grip on the little girl so Hongjoong could fully pick her up.

Hongjoong smiles, "Its alright." kissing PJ's cheeks, her eyes slowly opening but she didn't cry.

"Joong.." she butchered, fisting the material of Hongjoong's suit and resting her head on his broad shoulder.

"Its Papa for you, sweetheart." Hongjoong squishes her nose.

Yunho took out his phone from his pocket. Staring at the notification bar to see he's received a text from Gunho;


Hey are you still at work?

I thought you were supposed to be home by now.


Do you think we could drive to the store? I need some art materials :>


Hey buddy, I'll be out in a few minutes do you think you can wait for me?

Also, I thought you are not feeling well? Are you sure you can come outside?

Yeah I'll wait for you.

Ofcourse I can walk outside, took this medicine and now my fever is gone for a while.

Alright, I'm trying to be there asap.

Sure, take your time!

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