Chapter 78 - Wedding planning

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Eloise's POV 

A couple of months had gone by and we hadn't really done much planning. All we did was set a date and that was it to be honest. We have a wedding planner now because we've been busy at work and we don't know where we want the wedding. I had mentioned a destination wedding and Justin liked the idea but it was trying to find where we would have the wedding. 

I was meeting the wedding planner today during lunch to go over a few things and if she had any suggestions of some destinations. I liked the idea of having a small wedding abroad with my closet friends and family. 

"So I had a few ideas Miss Taylor" 

"Oh please call me Eloise"

"Okay, so I had a few ideas." she handed me a few files and I opened them to have a list of destinations and venues. "So they are all very different in their own way but I thought they would some good starting points. I also made sure to add the best time to get married at some of the destinations in terms of weather and also the amount of tourists that they have too."

"That's perfect. Am I okay to take these and speak to Justin and then get back to you?"

"Of course Eloise. I can even book some venues for you to visit and I have visited some of them too so if you have any questions let me know" 

"Thank you Chloe" I gave her a quick handshake and headed back to the office since my lunch break was nearly over. 

The press have died down bit but I have had it sometimes where the odd one or two will ask me questions about my mum. She went for an interview a few days after the engagement. Knowing her she did it for money. 

I didn't want to answer any of the questions since I don't want anything to do with the woman.

Allison gave birth few weeks ago. It was two weeks after the engagement party. They had a beautiful baby girl and they named her Harlow. It's crazy to think how much life has changed over the last year. 

I headed into my office and Justin was waiting for me. 

I walked behind the chair and he got up to let me sit down.

"So how did it go with the wedding planner?"

"Really good. She gave a few options that I thought we could discuss tonight."

He nodded his head. "Listen, I think we should talk tonight" 

"Uh oh" 

"It's nothing bad but I'm just worried about you babe"

"I'm fine J" 

"But I know you're not. You're bottling it all up and that's not healthy. Talk to me. I'm here" he was kneeling in front of me. 

I took a deep breath "I just don't want anything to do with her" 

"I get that but you have to have something to say with what she said and did" 

"The way I see it is, she wanted attention or she wanted money. Most likely going to be both. She never bothered to contact me, she went straight to the media. She has Marcus' details and knows how to contact him but she didn't bother. She's always had an agenda and I don't think that she can change."

"come here" Justin got up and so did I. He pulled me into a hug and we stood there for a moment. The safest place for me was in his arms. 

I eventually let go of him and we went on for the rest of the day. It did feel good to let that out. 

We had a few meeting through the day and then we had to get some filing done. Things needed to be reorganised for the company. The filing room took forever to do. I spent most of the day trying to get it done. I had some other people helping me too. Most documents were online but some had to be put in files for the recent projects and of the new clients at the company. 

I finally headed home and it was pretty late for me to get home. Justin already left. He offered to wait for me but I knew that I was going to finish late and it wouldn't have been fair to him. 

I get off the elevator and the place smelt of food. I didn't realise how hungry I was until I got home. I took my heels off and my jacket and left them in the hallway. I headed into the kitchen and Justin was cooking. 

"Smells good babe" I hugged him from behind as he was cooking. "What are you making?"

"I thought I would attempt and Chicken Katsu Curry"

"It looks good"


We finished our dinner and were sat in the lounge on the sofa with a glass of wine. 

"Which one do you like babe?"

"To be honest I love this one" I handed did him the paper. 

"South of France" 

"What do you think?"

"I love it. This venue fits with the mood-board that you showed me last night."

"It does" 

"What dates are we thinking?"

"Maybe September?" I said 

"Sounds good" 

"Ooooh I'm getting excited" Justin was smiling from ear to ear and so was I. 

"Wait can we look at a different venue?"

"Yeah of course. Do you want us to visit some?"

"Well there was this one that is near my aunts place and I've always loved it. I used to go to the cafe there for lunch sometimes. We can go visit it if you would like to see it but I do have lots of pictures of it." 

"Okay I would love to see the pictures" 

I ran upstairs and grabbed my laptop from our room and ran back down. 

"That was fast" Justin joked making me smile. 

I logged in and shows him the pictures. I spent quite some time in the South of France pretty much doing nothing everyday other than going on walks and eating as much food as I could. 

"I love it" Justin said and I looked up at him in admiration. I've always wanted some happy memories with someone in the south of France and the wedding seems perfect to do that. 


After last night with Justin, we finally decided on a date and also a venue. I told our wedding planner the next day and she managed to get us the date that we wanted. She also was looking at some flights for us but we hadn't finished the guest list. There was a few people that I didn't want to be at the wedding and I wanted to make sure that they didn't come and that it wasn't leaked to the media too. 

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