Chapter 2 - "not everything is a fairytale"

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Eloise POV

"Lucy, I'm home." I shouted as I walked in the door. 

"Hey, I'm on the sofa" 

I took my shoes off and walked into the living room and just sat on the sofa. 

"so how did the interview go?" she asked me.

"Not too bad but I don't know if I got the job yet. I thought I would have an interview with HR but it was with Mr Bieber and his parents who are the CEO's of the company. Lucy he started to give me butterflies and I don't know why and it just freaked me out and on top of that he walked me to my car and said that its a cool car." 

"Okay well I don't blame you for having butterflies because look at him, who wouldn't. and yes you had a cool car so he's bound to say it but he's probably just surprised considering your last job wasn't the best." 

"oh please don't remind me, I just want to forget everything that happened there." I started to get tears in my eye. 

Lucy got up and gave me a tissue. she grabbed my hands "Look Eloise, he's locked away now and he hasn't got bail and soon we will find out how long he'll be going away so don't worry okay. I will be there for you every step of the way. and who knows, Justin could be your Prince Charming to sweep you off your feet." 

"not everything is a fairytale Lucy. and anyway I'm sure he has a line of women waiting for him to get through. He has a reputation and it's not one I want to get involved in." I grabbed her and gave her a hug. Me and Lucy met in uni and she's always been there for me like a sister. She's like a sister rather than a best friend. 

"anyway your mail is on the kitchen counter and I think theres one from your brother."Lucy said. 

We both got up and headed to the kitchen. I opened the letter and it felt like the worst day. My Brother is in the army and had been shot but apparently he is doing well and will be home soon. And my brother wrote saying he loves me and that he would see me soon and not to worry. I was speechless. What if something had happened to him? He's all I have left of my family. My dad went missing in the army and my mum has never really been around. She chose drugs over her family in the end and I've not seen her since I was 5. 

"Eloise whats wrong, you've been staring at that letter for like 5 minutes?" 

"Marcus was shot" her eyes went wide. "He's okay and it says he will be sent home soon for medical discharge so he is okay but he still has to finish his recovery". 

"Shit, are you okay?" 

"Yeah, well I mean I have to be fine though and I have to call Allison. I mean she probably knows but I have to be there for her as much as I can when he's away." I called my brother's fiancé and she told me she got a call from him this morning and that he would be on a flight now and I'll be able to see him once he's out of the army barracks. Once I had got off the phone I sat with Lucy and she handed me a glass of wine. Needed that after the news I just had. 

"You don't have to be okay in-front of me. let go if you need to. I'm always here." Lucy came and gave me another hug. 

"thank you" I smiled at her. At that moment I was grateful that my brother was okay. We spent the evening chatting and she was telling me about her eventful day at work as a lawyer. She was loving it, it's all she's wanted since she was a kid. 

"Okay I'm going to head to bed now, I find out tomorrow if I've got the job or not" 

"Well good luck. I have work in the morning so I'll be leaving early and then I'm meeting for drinks with my colleagues. If you want, I can come home early." 

"no you go and enjoy yourself. I'll be fine, I promise and if I need you then I will call Okay."

"Okay now get some sleep, you barely slept last night." 

I started to head to upstairs and got into my room. I got changed and took off my makeup and got into bed. I fell asleep instantly. 

Who knows what tomorrow will hold. 

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