Chapter 63 - "What happened last night?"

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Justin's POV 

Last night was eventful. The phone call that I had with Eloise was pretty funny. She always seems to phone me when she's drunk. 

She was asleep in my room and I am making some coffee for when she waked up. I had already left some painkillers and a bottle of water for her. 

Ryan was staying here last night so to save him making another journey, I said that he and Lucy could stay here for the night. 

I headed up to my room and Elle was awake in bed but with the pillow over her head. I knew she was awake since she had just put it over her head as I came in. 

"What happened last night?"

"Quite a lot actually but before I tell you, drink this"

She took the coffee "thank you and I'm sorry for whatever I did" 

"No don't be sorry it was funny" I said and I couldn't hold back my laugh 

"Oh no, it must have been bad." I was still laughing and she hit me with a pillow. 

"okay I'm sorry. I will tell you what happened" 


"Okay so the first thing you did was call me last night at the bar after I texted you. Me and Ryan came to pick you and Lucy up and you called Ryan 'Ry Ry'. The best bit of that part is when you questioned him and said that you were a detective" 

"Oh god. what did I ask him?"

"You asked him about whether he was nervous to meet Lucy's parents" 

"Oh god. I wasn't meant to get involved in that" 

"It's okay, he was okay with it" 

"What else?"

"Well second, you fell asleep on me in the car and then refused to let me pick you up to take you inside so I had to make sure that you could walk. You definitely couldn't walk at all and then on top of that you fell asleep in the lift on the way up and you were mumbling some stuff" 

"What was I mumbling?" 

"I have no clue. none of it made sense" 

"Please don't tell me it get's worse" 

"Oh it does. The third thing you did is when we got out of the lift you wanted food so I walked you to the kitchen and you sat on the counter and then were too scared to get down. When I went to help you, you thought that you would fall so you wouldn't come down. That lasted about 20 minutes maybe even more. Lucy was in bed by this point" 

"Did I get the food though?"

"Yes you did. Don't worry about it. And now for my favourite bit. when I finally got you into my room, you refused to get changed at first so I went a grabbed you some clothes out of my wardrobe and when I came back, you were in your underwear lying down on my bed"


"You then told me that you were horny and that you needed me to give you a release" Elle had her hands over her face "Don't worry nothing happened. I eventually got you to sleep but you kept trying to take my boxer's and t-shirt off for quite a lot of the night" 

"I'm so sorry" she looked very concerned 

"Elle, its fine. It made me laugh. I can't be mad at you when you're drunk. And I mean it's not my first drunk encounter with you" 

"Oh my God. My second day" We both sat laughing for a minute. "Its crazy to think how far we have come in 3 and a half months" 

"Who would have thought that we would end up together" 

"Well Lucy was sort of being cupid" 

"Wait how?"

"Well she told me to apply for the job the very second that you advertised it and she knew about it from Ryan and let's not forget the blind date we had at my brother's wedding" 

"They were both setting us up. I was actually meant to go on a date a few days before the interview with you but Ryan forced me to cancel it. He said there was some emergency and in reality it was literally nothing. But I'm glad he did since it led me to you" 

I gave her a quick kiss. 

"Aaaahhhhhh" Someone screamed downstairs. 

"What are them two doing downstairs?" I said

"Let's go check" 

"You might need some sunglasses" I said teasing her

"Ha ha" she said and she grabbed a pair of my sunglasses from my dresser and a some jogger's from my wardrobe before we both headed downstairs. 

The sound was coming from the kitchen. 

"What is going on?" We walk in to see Ryan chasing Lucy with whipped cream. They were having a food fight

Ryan ran into me as he was running around. 

"Watch it"

"Good Morning Taylor. How are you feeling this morning?"

"Oh I feel great. and sorry for last night" 

"It's fine. It was pretty funny" 

"How is Lucy fine even though she drank more than me?"

"Well my trusty hangover smoothie worked" Lucy handed Elle a smoothie. "drink it" 

Elle held her nose and drank it all. 

"What is that?" I asked 

"She will never tell you but it sure as hell works" Elle said

"It smells bad" Ryan said 

"It tastes worse but give me 20 minutes and I will be fine for the rest of the day" 

"I will defo need that one day" Ryan said 

"Shall we get ready to go out for brunch to should I order brunch to come here" 

"Order brunch to come to here" Lucy and Elle said at the same time. 

"Okay then" I said laughing with Ryan. 

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