Chapter 23 - Flight Part 2

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Eloise's POV

"Ma'am" I felt someone shaking me and I woke up pretty quickly this time.

"Sorry Ma'am but it's 40 minutes till we land. We will ask you to be seated 10 minutes before we land so you have 30 minutes to do whatever you need to know.

I got up from my seat and retied my hair since it got messy from the sleep. I took a big stretch as well. The chair was really comfy. A lot comfier than I expected but then again, I was in a private jet.

I then headed towards the back of the plane where the bedroom was and knocked on the door. I got no response, so I slowly went inside and peered my head around the door.

"Justin" his alarm was going off next to his head, but he was fast asleep.

"Justin" still no response so I headed into the room and next to him.

"Justin, wake up please" I then shook him a little and he put the duvet over his head making me laugh.

"Justin" I said a bit louder hoping he would wake up, but he didn't.

So, I did what my dad used to do to me as a kid and that was slowly take off some of the duvet from his head.

He then started to stir in his sleep.

"come on Justin you have to get up"

"Please one more minute" he said, and I knew what this would turn into.

"Nope you have had plenty of sleep so come on wake up now. You have to look presentable for when we land. There might be press."

"Fine mum" Oh he definitely was not a morning person. He slowly got up and was waking up. He grabbed his water and drank some. "Thank you, Eloise. My mother would have poured water over my head by now" I laughed.

"Well that was going to be what I was planning to do next"

He fake gasped "you wouldn't"

"I would"

I then went towards my suitcase and grabbed my toothbrush. I then went and handed Justin his because if I didn't, he would have fallen back to sleep.

"What time will it be when we land" he asked.

"it will be 5:30 am"

"will I have time for a nap"

"yes, but it will only be for about 2 and half hours because the meeting is at 10am. they moved it up so that you could have lunch with them afterwards"

"That early for a Sunday."

"well they do say that the city never sleeps. I now see what they mean."


I headed to the bathroom and got changed and brushed my teeth. I wasn't going to have a nap because I had to do some work before the meeting.

I bumped into Justin on my way out of the bathroom.

"sorry" he said still half asleep.

"It's okay. I will be in my seat if you need me"

He nodded and headed to get ready. and I walked back to my seat.

"Can I get you anything to drink ma'am?"

"Can I get some water please."

"Of course," she came back quick with the water.

I got out the company laptop and started to do some admin and check my emails. I also had an email from Mandy with some links that I needed to see. It was the tabloids.

There was quite a lot of articles. The first one I had looked at was to do with the interview that Justin did after the red-carpet and it was interesting to see his answers. They mostly asked about his private life but one that stood out to me was when they asked him 'if he was seeing someone' he said 'no but I might have my eye on someone'.

There was another article that talked very positively about the event and the organisation. I spent more time looking at the pictures since I was in quite a few. I guess the world wanted to see the next personal assistant of Justin Bieber.

Then I noticed that Mandy had sent me an Instagram post with me and Justin. I was before the red carpet when Justin was speaking to me and we were looking at each other smiling. It was a cute picture. I went onto Instagram to repost the picture and then I had realised that it was Justin that had posted it. In fact, he had posted a lot of pictures form yesterday.

"Stalking my Instagram are we" he said jokingly as he sat in his seat.

"No... I was looking at some articles and I was sent this, so I was going to repost it, but I happened to notice that you posted quite a lot."

"Well that was what PR wanted so I had to at least something that they wanted." I laughed and then got back to my work. I noticed Justin was wearing a shirt and jeans and he was on his phone texting someone.

"texting the person, you have your eye on?" He grinned at my question.

"well I mean if you think that I have my eye on Ryan then yes." he said with a big grin.

"Sorry" He laughed

"Oh god could you imagine if it was ever Ryan. Nope I know things about him that just are a no. I don't know how he's seeing someone with the way that he acts." We both laughed because it was true. Ryan was slightly crazy and needed a crazy person to make him seem normal.

"Sorry, I was being nosy"

"I mean you are my friend so it's fine by the way. But what made you think I had my eye on someone?" I loaded up the article and slid the laptop over to him. The headline was enough for anyone to know that. "Oh, that was Megan's idea to get my name in the tabloids more. I mean it's not like I need that"

"makes sense. have a different view of you. "

"to be honest I don't really care what people think of me or what they expect of me. I don't want people to have this fake perception of me. I wish people would know me for me."

"understandable" We both spent a moment looking at each other and then he cleared his throat and looked away and carried on his phone and I carried on looking through emails.

I had quite a few saying congratulations and well done on the successful event, including one from Jeremy congratulating me on the amazing event. It was nice to appreciated and commemorated for the work done.

We were about to land so I put the laptop away and looked out the window and enjoyed the view of New York. 

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