Chapter 65 - Day one in Paris

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Justin's POV 

We landed last night and I had a driver take the bags to the hotel and me and Elle went in another car and headed to a restaurant for dinner. 

Dinner was amazing. I have missed the French food. Elle looked beautiful as well. The hotel room that I booked had the most perfect view of Paris. It was the view of Eiffel Tower from our bed. 

The light had come through the window since it was pretty early in the morning. I was lying in bed watching the sun go up. 

"Good Morning" Elle said startling me. 

"Morning beautiful" she started to blush and hid under the covers. "come here" 

She turned over and snuggled into my chest. 

"The view is amazing"

"Yes it is" I said looking at her. 

She looked up at me and kissed me. 

I was falling for this girl. No one has ever made me feel like this. I'm falling in love with her. 

"Breakfast will be arriving soon" 

"Am I okay to shower before breakfast?"

"Of course, just be quick" she gave me another kiss and jumped out of bed and into the en-suite. 

We had a large suite at the hotel so there was a large sitting area where breakfast was going to be. 

I go out of bed and grabbed a robe and walked into the sitting room. Just as I walked in, someone knocked on the door so I went and answered it. 

"Your breakfast Mr Bieber"

"Thank you" he rolled the trolley into the room and placed it next to the table. 

"Is there anything else that I can do" 

"No that's it thank you" 

He walked out and closed the door. I walked back in the bedroom to brush my teeth in the en-suite. 

Elle was sat on the bed with her phone in her hand. 

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah everything is fine. It's just Lucy."

"Is it about meeting Ryan's parents?"

"Yeah she is scared"

"She'll be fine"

"I know. I told her that but she is freaking out. She keeps messaging and she didn't sleep last night and she has a huge case at work. Sorry I'll just message her then I am all yours"

"Breakfast is here. I'm just going to brush my teeth" 


I was drinking the last bit of my coffee when Elle was telling me about her time in the south of France where her aunt lives. Her aunt owns a chatelet and so does one her friends that she made in France. 

"So will you tell me the plan for today?" she asked full of curiosity. 

"Yes I will. So first we will go to an Louvre museum and have some Lunch at the top of the Eiffel Tower. After Lunch, we will go for a bike ride around the city. And I want to surprise you for dinner."

"I'm excited" 

"Good" I said kissing the side of her head "Now wear something casual and then we can come back to get changed for dinner" 

"Okay sounds good" 

"I'll shower and you can get ready" 


Eloise's POV 

The trip to the museum was amazing. He was taking me to some of the best sights in Paris. 

Lunch was amazing at the Eiffel Tower. The view was incredible. I had brought my polaroid camera with me on the trip and I had taken so many pictures with it. 

The bike trip around the Paris was amazing too. It was fun and Justin isn't the best at riding a bike as he thought. His excuse was that it had been years since he ridden a bike. 

We were now getting ready for dinner. I was wearing a navy short dress with my white heels. I had my hair down and also decided to go for red lipstick for that pop of colour. 

It didn't take me long to get ready but Justin was quick. The longest thing that he did was do his hair. He hates it sometimes if I mess with his hair too much but I cannot help it. It's so soft. 

"You ready?" he said leaning against the door frame. 

"Yes but can you just put on my locket for me please?"

"Of course" he walked and I moved my hair to the side and handed him the locket. He clasped it on pretty quick. "You look beautiful" he said kissing my shoulder. 

"thank you. You look handsome as always." He was wearing a tight white shirt and fitted trousers. He always looked good like that but I also like him in casual clothes too. I just like him. 

"The car is waiting for us downstairs" 

"let's go" 

I grabbed my bag and headed out the door behind Justin. He was holding my hand as we were walking. 

We were in the car and it was a quick journey. 

"We have to walk a bit but it's not far" 

I nodded and got out of the car behind Justin. 

There was a boat waiting on the Seine River. Justin stopped walking and pointed towards the boat. 

"That is where we are having dinner" 

"On the River" 


"Thank you so much"

Justin got on the boat first and then helped me on. 

"It's a good thing that you can't drive this one" 

"Yeah, let's hope this driver doesn't crash into any bridges on the way" 

We were seated at a table and there was a large window for us to look out and see the view. As we were setting off, I noticed the large Cathedral. It look magical at night. 

"I already ordered for the both of us when I booked the place. I hope that's okay"

"Of course it is. I trust you have good taste" 

"I do, I chose you to be my girlfriend for starters" he said with a coy smile making me blush. 


the food was amazing. Justin did pick the perfect food. I love this place so much. Paris is so beautiful and romantic. I love Paris as much as I love Justin. 

I love Justin

I love ... Justin 

OMG I love Justin. but I didn't know if he felt the same way about me. 

I pushed the thought to the side and just stayed in the moment enjoying our time together. 

We were soon off the boat and we headed out for a walk. 

Justin was telling me about his childhood and his brother. I loved that he was opening up to me. 

We were walking for about 20 minutes and we had arrived at the arc de triomphe. 

"Come on, let's get some pictures" 

Justin took a few pictures of me and he found someone to take some of us together. 

He made me feel so loved and no one has ever made me feel this way before. I love Justin. 

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