Chapter 32 - Friday meetings

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Eloise's POV

Last night was weird. I wanted to kiss Justin but for some reason I stopped him.

I got ready for work and Lucy was in the kitchen texting someone on her phone.

"What's making you smile so early in the morning? Oh, right your boyfriend"

"Yes, he is, he was telling me some shit about work. He has a meeting today and then he agreed to meet me for some lunch."

"Aww that's cute. Now when can I meet him?"

"You can meet him at your brother's wedding"

"Why not sooner than then?"

"Because it's next week and that is soon enough"

"I can't believe that the wedding is next week. It has come around so fast."

"It has, everything is sorted right?"

"Well my list of things that I needed to sort have been done."

"Okay well I have some time off on Wednesday till Monday next week so I can help Allison whilst you're at work."

"Thank you and let me know if you need anything because I can help in the evenings and I can do some organising from work. I just can't on Monday since I out of the office. I have taken a half day on Thursday and the day off on Friday."

"Allison wants to have a simple hen do."

"Nope, we can't do that. We have to make sure that it is perfect with strippers and a bit of fun. She doesn't want to go to a club but that doesn't mean we can't bring the club to her."

"What are you thinking?"

"She wants an evening of drinking at home but what if we get some strippers dressed as cops. We can have music and drinks with drinking games."

"That sounds perfect, but won't you brother be angry about the strippers?"

"Nope because he also has strippers. The best man told me."

"So, what else did Michael tell you about your brother's stag do?"

"Apparently, they want to take him to a strip club, but I said that would be going too far. I trust Marcus and I know Allison does too, but I don't exactly trust Michael."

"I mean who does that guy is always at some club partying with many different women."

"Well I have to get to work. We have meetings all day."


"Yeah I join Justin in most meetings to make notes and then he doesn't have to explain what happened in the meeting and he doesn't have to tell me what needs to be done. I just do it"

"Hmm well that makes sense"

"Anyway, I will see you later"

I walked out of the door and drove to work. I made sure to get Justin's coffee before I went to the office since he was coming in a bit earlier to prepare for all of the meetings.

I walked into reception and handed Mandy a coffee.

"Thank you. How did it go yesterday?"

"It went well. Everything was okay. I just want to see it now"

"Aww, well here's the documents. Apparently, you get to watch it on Monday. You can ask for a copy from Justin and they want to release it the week after."

"Okay thank you. I'll take this up to him. Is he here yet?"

"yeah he got here half an hour ago"

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