Chapter 74 - Boxing Day

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Justin's POV 

I woke up and I had a massive headache. I could remember most of yesterday but I couldn't remember what happened on the way home. I remember getting out o the car but that was it. 

There was a bottle of water and painkillers on the night stand and I could hear the shower running so I'm guessing that Elle was in the shower. 

I grabbed my phone from the night stand and checked my message and went through my camera roll from the pictures of yesterday. It was the first Christmas that I had enjoyed in a while. 

I looked on my family group chat and it was going crazy with pictures and videos. It was pretty funny to see all the videos from heads up. We also took a lot of pictures together and there was one of me and Elle sat by the tree. 

I posted it on my instagram. I want to be as open and I want to be on my social media and sometimes posting a picture is what is needed to keep people away surprisingly. They get what they want and then they leave you alone for a bit. 

I was so engrossed in my phone that I hadn't noticed that Elle had walked out of the shower and was getting dressed. 

"Morning babe" 

"Morning, how's your head?"

"Eh it's not too bad. Painkillers helped"

"Do I need to phone Lucy for that hangover cure juice thing to get you through the day?"

"No I'll be fine" 

"So how much do you remember from last night?" she asked

"I remember everything up until we got into the car"

"Okay well last night you made me promise that I would never leave you and just know that I wouldn't. I didn't think that you would remember but I still want you to know that" 

"Thank you baby. And just know that I will never leave you too if I can help it" 

She walked over and gave me a quick kiss. 

"I'm going to make a start on Lunch"

"Lunch? What time is it?"

"It's 11am babe. You slept in quite late"

"Wait so what have you been doing this whole time?"

"I was cleaning and making sure the place was tidy" 

"You know we have cleaners come. They are meant to come today at some point" 

"I know. I cancelled them. Christmas may be over but its still Christmas break and they also deserve to have a break so I told them not to come today. And don't worry I can clean"

"I don't know what I did to deserve you" 

"I say the same thing everyday" 

"I'm going to head into the shower now" 

"Okay good. Hate to say it but you are a bit ripe" 

"Thank you so much" 

"Not a problem. Now let me get started with the vegetables and then you need to get ready so that you can help me" 

"Okay I won't be too long" 

I quickly had a shower and brushed my teeth. I grabbed a sweater and put some jeans on after and headed downstairs to Elle. 

"You were very quick" she was surprised. 

"I know I was. Now let me help you" 

"Well I'm doing the potatoes first so that they can boil. Could make the mince meat for the Shepards pie please" 

"Of course" 

I washed my hands and put on an apron. It did say kiss the chef. 

"Elle you forgot to do something"

"What babe?" 

"Turn around" she turned around and looked at me. It took her a minute to realise the apron and what it said and she walked over and gave me a quick peck. "Perfect, now I can get on with cooking" 

"I'm going to set the dining table in a bit" 

I love cooking. My mum taught me when I was younger. My brother Jordan always used to set the table and I used to help make dinner. I try to cook as much as possible especially now that I have someone to cook for. It made life better. 

"Everything is ready to go so shall we get ready now" I said coming up behind Elle. 

"Yeah, it's casual right?"

"Yeah it is" 

"Okay well you're parents and grandparents will be here in about 25 minutes so we need to get ready for Lunch."


"So do you guys have any plans for the new year?" Dad asked 

"Yeah, we're going to the Bahamas with a couple of friends. Same as every year" I said

"Well so long as you both enjoy it and have a good time there" Pattie said. 

"I'm quite excited. I haven't been to the Bahamas before" Elle said. 

I've always wanted to travel with someone and I think that I can definitely do that with Elle. She doesn't just want to go to beaches and shop. She wants to see places and see the history. That's one thing that we have in common. 

I love this girl more than anyone probably could ever know. She is truly the light in my world. 

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