Chapter 7 - Annoying Brother

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Eloise's POV 

It was 6:40 AM by the time I have gotten to my brothers house. Alison was getting things in the car and leaving as I had arrived. I waved goodbye to her and went into my brothers house. He was sat in the kitchen at the breakfast bar scrolling through his phone. He only noticed me when I put my bag down on the counter. 

"Good morning Trouble, what are you doing here this early?"

"well it seems that I am the baby-sitter today" he was not happy by the joke I just made. 

"Ha ha" he said. "So have you had breakfast yet?"

"no I haven't yet, have you?"

"No I was just going to have cereal but since your here can you make pancakes?"

I just looked at him. He wanted me to make pancakes this early in the morning. Here was me hoping for an easy day but that didn't seem like Marcus' plan.

"fine but only if you don't make any annoying comments"

He just put his hands up. Last time I had made my brother pancakes, he made comments about how annoying I am or how weird I am or decided to comment stupid stuff about what I was wearing. Then he would move on to these awful impressions. I went on for hours. Gave me a headache at the end of it. 

Once the pancakes were made, I sat next to him at the breakfast bar to eat. 

"So are you excited to be working again" he asked me.

"yeah I am excited but I'm also really rather. They doing background a check  which I understand is company but then they are going to know about the court case and I don't want anyone asking questions about it. I don't want anything to do with my past to effect job and the way people see me.I had to quit las time because of what people thought of me and I don't want that to happen again".

"Listen you don't have to worry about that. Everyone has skeletons in the closet and they can't judge you for that. you made a mistake with who you decided to date but you can't change the past, you can only move forward" I nodded "And anyway you don't have to answer any questions that you don't want to."

"I know but I don't want it to be a bad start at work. The last thing I want is for my boss to think that I'm keeping a secret, especially if I want to be good at this job and make the most of the opportunities." 

" you are smart and brave and trust me when I say you are a likeable person. I wouldn't want anyone else to be my sister." I smiled. 

"Awww, if only I could have a brother that wasn't so annoying"

"Hey, you ruined the sibling love then."


I got up and cleared up the plates and then helped my brother into the living room and sat him down on the sofa. I handed him the remote and then went into the kitchen to tidy up the mess I made. 

A couple hours had passed and I was sat with my brother watching Netflix, I had managed to persuade him to watch a series with me and surprisingly he actually liked it. that was the last thing that I expected. Next thing you know the door opened and in came Allie. 

"Hey sorry, I didn't realise the time and the bride needed me till the end of the ceremony to reapply make up for the wedding shoot but I brought some lunch". She said as she help up a big McDonalds bag. 

"Ooooh thank you. I'll grab the plates and honestly don't worry, I did't have anything else planned for the day." 

Once we had all finished lunch sat together. We were talking and Allison was telling me about the wedding planning. My brother's leg should have healed within the next 6 weeks but I was a minor bullet wound but still painful. 

"So I'm going to need your help with quite a lot for the wedding. I have a lot of appointments which are mostly on the weekends.But the wedding is now 8 weeks away and hopefully he can walk without being in paint I have my final fitting and I also have to do a last check on the flowers and the venue and then on top of that I need to make sure that the venue knows where everything is going. Now the plan was that Marcus and his groomsmen will get ready here and then come to the manor and that I would stay at the manor with my bridesmaids and get ready there. And I'm going to need you to make sure that everything is perfect. Oh and can you send a playlist to the DJ as well. I want there to be songs that we all love to dance to on the playlists." 

This was a lot to take in but I kept nodding and smiling. I knew that she was going to send me a list and an itinerary to make sure that everything was the way she wanted. 

"And I need you to go with Marcus and the groomsmen to make sure that the uniform is perfect and he has hasn't gone with something stupid."

"Im right here."

"Yes we know" we both said at the same time laughing. Marcus shook his head and carried on watching Netflix. 

"stop stressing. trust me it will be perfect and as me as your last minuted wedding planner, it will be done the exact way you want it."

"I know I know but you know me, I worry and I want this to be perfect. Speaking of which, have you found a date?" she wiggled her eyebrows at me. 

"No I haven't and I think it might be best not to. Like Marcus has always said, I don't have good taste in men. And I don't need a date, I have Lucy." 

"You do realise that Lucy is bringing a date right?"

"The little sh*t. She never told me that. I'm going to be third wheeling again." 

"No you won't, I have the perfect date for you."

"Please not again, the date you set me up on last week was horrendous, he couldn't find the restaurant and that made him an hour late and then he wanted to go on a second date and all I've done is ignore the guy" Allie just laughed. 

"Put the poor guy out of is misery. He's going to be deployed next week." Marcus laughed. Forgot to mention he was in the army. Defo the worst date that I have been on. 

"umm get back to your series eavesdropper".

"This is my wedding too trouble" 


After an hour of wedding talk, I headed home to Lucy working in the living room. 

"You have a date to my brother's wedding and you didn't tell me." I said pretending to be annoyed. She shut her laptop and looked at me. 

"Okay I'm sorry I didn't tell you but Ive been busy and I didn't know how to tell you." She said in panic 

"It's okay, I'm only joking Lucy. I'm happy for you. you have a date and when can I meet the guy."

"You can meet him at the wedding. We've only been seeing each other recently and I had to Allie because I has asked him to be my date to the wedding". 

"It's okay, but now I don't have a date and I'm going on my own but you know what I'm going to be an independent women and go on my own. who needs a man anyway, I'll be too busy with the wedding to have time for my date".

"true or I could ask my date to bring a friend to keep you company" 

"no I think I'll be okay thank you"

"well it's too late because me and allie already agreed and I've already asked him."

"Lucy, seriously"

"Yeah come on it will be fun".

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