Chapter 18 - Dress fitting

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Eloise's POV

I was running late for the dress fitting. Alison had text me about 50 times on my way to the shop. She has got some custom-made dresses for the wedding and I was excited to try on the dresses. This would be the last chance for any alterations to be made so it was important that all of the bridesmaids were at the fitting. And next week would be the final fitting for Allison's wedding dresses.

I parked my car and quickly ran inside the shop.

"I'm so sorry that I'm late. I got caught up at work."

"Don't worry about it. Lucy isn't even here yet." Allison said

"who's trying the dress on first."

"Anyone. to be honest it would be great to see all of you in it at the same time to get the feel for the dresses and how you guys will look together." Allison said

We all agreed and headed into the fitting room. I was excited and nervous to try the stress on because I knew how much it meant to Allison. I also needed to find the perfect dress for the charity gala. I was a bit surprised that Lucy hadn't arrived yet because she was meant to have half day today. I hope that everything was alright.

Once I put the dress on and it was zipped up, I headed out to the other girls and stood in line and at that very second Lucy ran in out of breath.

"I'm so sorry. Something came up at work and I had to get it done." Lucy said

"Don't worry just run and try your dress on" Allison said

Lucy ran into the fitting room almost knocking a mannequin over. She was as clumsy as me at times. I'm also surprised that Allison was not being bridezilla today. I think that she was happy with the dresses and wasn't too concerned or maybe the nerves had made her quiet.

It came to my turn to be pinned in places to make the dress more fitting because it was slightly loose on me. Over the last few months, I had lost quite a bit of weight and that was showing in the dress. But I was happy with my figure since I was healthier than before.

Lucy came out of the changing room and stood on the podium next to me. The dress was perfect on her in every way possible. But something was off. She was barely looking at me like something was bothering her. I'll ask her about it after the appointment.

"Okay everything is perfect, but some small minor alterations need to be maid, but we are done. Thank you to everyone for coming and being so understanding." Allison said with a big smile on her face.

"thank you for not being bridezilla today" I said which made everyone laugh but Lucy. something was seriously up; she had never been this quiet before.


Once everyone had left it was just me and Lucy and Allison left. I had asked them to stay whilst I tried on some dresses for the charity gala. I put on the first dress and it looked good but didn't make me feel wow. It is a beautiful dress but not for me.

When I walked out of the changing room. Both Allison and Lucy went quiet.

"Wow that looks good but it's not perfect and this dress has to be perfect" Allison said

"I agree" and then Lucy just nodded.

I went back into the changing room and tried on this beautiful dress that looked amazing on the hanger. I fell in love with the dress instantly. It was a beautiful silver dress and I had the idea to pair it with some emerald coloured jewellery. I was really excited to try it on.

Once it was on, I stepped out and Lucy and Allison looked gobsmacked.

"Wow that dress is made for you." Lucy said.

"Eloise if you don't get this then there is something wrong with you."

"Isn't it too much" I began to doubt myself.

"No, the event is black tie, and everyone goes all out." Lucy said

"Okay but let me facetime a friend from work and ask. She's been working there for some time and has been to all the events."

"Of course," Allison then handed me my phone and I called Mandy. She picked up straight away.

"girllll that dress is amazing. You have to get it. It's perfect for the event"

"Are you sure that it isn't too much?" I asked unsure.

"no of course not. your representing Mr Bieber and you have to wear some of the most glam clothing. Plus, show that bi**h from earlier who she was messing with." I laughed.

"Okay I'll get it"

"Anyway, girl I got to go. I'm making dinner but get it."

"Bye and thank you"

She hung up and I headed back to get changed. I then paid for the dress and walked over to the car with Lucy and Allison. Lucy was coming in my car because she got a taxi earlier.

"see you later Allie"

"Bye guys"

Me and Lucy got in the car and headed back to our place. The car ride was short and deadly silent. Lucy was still quiet when we got into our apartment and this was not like her.

"Lucy what's going on?"

"Okay I'll tell you but first we need some wine and to sit down. It's been a long day"

We headed into the kitchen and I sat on a stool next to the breakfast bar and she poured the wine and handed me a glass.

"Spill" I said sipping the wine.

"okay I'm sorry to say this but I did my best and I'm appealing the court's decision. Aaron got bail today even despite all the evidence against him. He used his grandma's illness and the fact that she is in a care home to get out on bail. But I made sure that there was a restraining order in place for you up until the court date so he cannot see you and cannot talk to you. You have to promise me that if he does then you tell me, and You tell the police. We're all here for you and he's not going to anything."

I sat in shock at her words. I never thought that this could happen. I took a large sip of the wine.

"Eloise please say something because I'm so sorry. In normal circumstances this wouldn't happen, but he used his grandma to his advantage"

"don't say sorry, you did everything you could. I don't get how he got that because he doesn't have a relationship with his grandma anymore and especially not after what he did to me."

"His lawyer was smart. It was a good trick that had a 50 50 chance of working. I'm still going to try to get that reversed but I might not be able to"

"It's okay. There's a restraining order and I'm going to New York after the gala. He can't hurt me anymore"

"New York?"

"Yeah just for a few days. It's for work. some deal but I can't say because of the NDA"


after finishing my wine, I put out glasses in the dishwasher.

"Goodnight Lucy and thank you"

"You're welcome. Have hope that I can reverse this"

"I will"

I headed up to my room with the dress and hung it on the back of the door. I was excited to wear the dress and I was excited for the first work event.

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