Chapter 15 - Lunch

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Justin's POV

It was going to be a long day today especially with the way I started. We were looking to expand into the US by investing in a small business after they had shown high levels of different opportunities.

Eloise sorted it out and volunteered to come too to make it easier on me. None of my previous PA's ever did that. We had also agreed to spend our lunch time on the guest list since she needed to head to the venue, and it seemed like it would take longer than expected to sort out.

I headed into a small meeting with Ryan over the phone to discuss some of the architect project and it seemed to be going really well and could possibly be completed before the deadline.


It got to 12:30pm when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in"

Nobody came in so I looked up and noticed that there was a figure outside the door. I got up to open the door and saw Eloise with her full of bags with our lunch and an iPad. I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny now?" She laughed.

"If you couldn't open the door. How did you knock on the door?"

"I head butted it but that's not the topic of conversation." I could tell she was embarrassed, so I continued to tease her.

"Yeah I know, I can see the dent in your forehead" I continued laughing holding my stomach.

"Ha ha very funny" she said shaking her head.

"There's never a dull moment with you is there Eloise?" by this point I had calmed down

"Well I can't help but be clumsy at times"

"What's been your most embarrassing moment?"

She sat thinking for a while. Probably contemplating on whether she should tell me.

"Probably the time when I was at University and I got lost trying to find my lecture. So, I just walked into a random lecture room and scanned my unicard for the attendance mark and sat at the back. The lecturer asked for a volunteer and at that time I had yawned so he took that as the fact that I volunteered. He asked me to show how to do CPR. Turns out at this point I realised that I sat in a lecture for a 4th year medicine lecture. I did my best attempt; I remember that my brother had to practice once to pass an exam. And anyway, I had pressed so hard on the chest of the dummy that the head popped off. It was embarrassing especially since the students and lecturer knew that I wasn't in their class and everything went wrong."

"I don't get how it's embarrassing"

"someone filmed it and it went slightly viral at the Uni. It was another way to save a patient, I guess. Press so hard that the head falls off."

"Oh god. Do you still think it's online? Let's see if we can find it."

"Good luck with that," she said confidently "I'm good at computing and managed to get the majority of it shut down apart from the original upload. But I changed the algorithm so that to find it you have to type a random set of words to find it."

"Impressive. Now shall we have a look at the list and add some people last minute"

"Yes of course. I had an email to say that you may want to add some people?"

"Just some old friends who aren't in the business. It will be nice to have them there and can you make sure that they are sat on a table together and a spare seat for me when I go and join them midway."

"Of course, I've noted that down." She said as she was typing on the iPad. "Also a few of the people that have been invited have asked for a plus 1."


"Mr Reed, Ms Clarke and Mrs Moore."

"Yeah that should be fine. Have security got a copy of the guest list?"

"Yes, and they get sent a new one, every-time the list gets updated"

"How often is that?"

"It depends, it tends to be when someone RSVPs. The last date to RSVP is tomorrow so a finalised list will be automatically sent tomorrow at 8pm."

"Can I trust that you will be able to handle any issues?"

"Of course, that is my job after all."

"Anything else?"

"The venue has been sorted and will be decorated by midday on Saturday which leaves a bit time in case there are any problems. Caterers will also be set up then. Your car was sent to be cleaned and photographed this morning and will be taken straight to the event for the auction. Valet has been informed of what is to be expected. and finally, I have emailed you a timed schedule for the day of your involvement at the event and before. Let me know if anything needs to be changed."

"Let me have a quick look now." I looked and noticed something that had to be changed. "Can you meet me at my apartment and not the house and I will need the suit dropped off in the morning to make sure the fit is correct. Gives enough time for any changes"

"Of course, I can do that in the morning on the way to the venue"

"Have you sorted your outfit?"

"No, I was hoping to pick up something tonight with my sister-in-law. I'm getting a dress from a boutique for her wedding so I thought it would be suitable from there maybe. Are there any requirements?"

"Use your corporate card"

"that's not a part of the contract"

"well don't worry the corporate card should cover it. It goes from my account so please use that. We can call it a welcome present"

"Justin that's not necessary"

"are you going to make me pull the who's the boss card?"

"No but I don't want to waste money."

"Trust me you won't be. come on don't make me pull the card..."

"Okay. Thank You."

"It's not a problem"

"I also forgot to mention that I sent your parents a time to meet at the venue so that the red carpet can run as smoothly as possible. And I have also left some time for some extra people just in case. You will also need to do a few short interviews right after the red carpet"

"That's fine. Can you make sure that you go through the questions for me? there are a few things that I don't want on there."

"Yes of course. What topics shall I write off?"

"anything related to my ex and that scandal. ummmm......basically that's it"

"Okay I'll make sure that gets done."

"Also make sure that you use my driver that day. It will make it easier to travel. And since I don't need the car at all, it will be perfect for you especially when you have to pick me up. Have you left time in that schedule for you to get ready."?

"Yes, I think so."

"Perfect. I have to say Eloise you are very organised."

"Thank you, Justin." We sat in silence for a moment "well we have a meeting in half an hour, so I better set up and it gives you time to have a break beforehand"

"Who's the meeting with again?"

"It's will a magazine. They would like you on the cover and they want to run a few things by you first and also, they wanted to discuss some ideas they had. Just be warned that one was to do with a carnival theme. I did suggest keeping it to the office or studio, but they wanted an answer from you"

"Perfect" I said sarcastically.

"It shouldn't be too long of a meeting" She said before she headed out.

That hour went by quick. I never would have offered to pay for her dress for the gala as it's not company policy, but I couldn't help it. Eloise had worked so hard that she doesn't need to worry about a dress or the price of one. 

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