Chapter 45 - Court Day 3 & 4

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Eloise's POV 

It was nice to have Ryan and Justin round last night. I was surprised that Justin came to see me.

It was court day 3 and I saw someone reporting some of it on the news. I didn't like the attention.

I was driving to court today. After yesterday evening, I felt a lot better and a lot less anxious. I was still nervous but not as nervous as I had been.


We walked into the courtroom and Allison was there with Justin and they were talking. Ryan was also here today. It was nice to have the support.

"I thought you had a meeting today." I said to Justin.

"I pushed it back to this afternoon"

"Okay then I'll join you"

"You don't have to"

"I know but I want to. I'll be bored at home anyway"

Everyone then sat down in their seats and Lucy sat in hers at the table.

"All Rise"

"Prosecution will go first"

Aaron walked to the stand and was sworn in.

Lucy stood up and walked to him. She looked so serious and like she was ready.

"In your statement, you claimed that Miss Taylor wanted to have sex, is that correct?"



"what did she say to make you think that she gave consent?"

"She was responding to my actions. She was clearly enjoying it a bit rough." he said it with a smirk whilst looking right at me.

"Did she say 'yes' at any point?"

"No but she was responding like she is enjoying it"

He was lying on the stand.

"When did she break up with you?"

"After we had sex"

"Hmmm. Why did you hit her?"

"I didn't"

"So how did you make it 'rough'?"

"I'm sorry?"

"You said 'she was clearly enjoying it a bit rough'. So how did you do that?"

"Ummm" he was stumbling on his words. "I hit her and puller her hair a bit."

"But you said that you didn't hit her?"

"I forgot"

"Okay. How hard did you pull her hair?"

"I don't know"

Lucy was taking question after question and he started to stumble more and more. Lucy asked him the same question again after a few minutes and his answers didn't match up.

She was doing really well. She also had a lot of questions. He was starting to struggle, and he wasn't smirking anymore. Aaron's lawyer objected a few times and it was overruled.

It then came to the turn of his lawyer and he did not look happy. He didn't ask too many questions. I mean Lucy questioned Aaron for about 25 minutes.

Day 3 was over, and I was glad. There was nothing more to do in terms of the trial. It was now down to the Jury and the judge. The wait was beginning, and it already felt long. Hopefully they would have an answer by tomorrow.

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