Chapter 68 - Double Date

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Eloise's POV

Last week I found out that I'm going to be an aunt and it's crazy. Lucy found out that weekend after the trial and she is so excited. She won the trial so she's been celebrating since and she suggested that we go on a double date. So Ryan has booked a restaurant for us to go too which is exciting I guess. 

I'm currently in my office writing a few emails. Made has been off this week since she has a cold so I'm working through Lunch today. Business at the office has been booming and it has kept me busy. They are doing so many projects in the company and Justin overseas a lot of them so I tend to have to deal with them and then present him the summary to save some time on the projects that Justin wants to focus on. 

"You're working through Lunch?"

"Yeah, I have some work to get done today" 

"You have to take a break" 

"I will but I do need to get this done today" 

"Why don't you come to lunch with me and Ryan?"

"I don't want to intrude"

"You won't be. We're just having some Lunch in my office. And you are better company than Ryan" 

Ryan popped his head through the door. 

"Oh Justin, I'm hurt" 

"You're a little early" 

"Glad I am now after hearing you talk about me" he said sarcastically. 

"Okay stop you two. Don't be arguing in my office" I said 

"Don't worry Taylor, I'm just messing. I couldn't be mad at this one for too long" Ryan said whilst putting Justin in a head lock. 

"Oi" Justin said fighting back. 

I swear to god these two are like kids. 

"Boys that enough now" Pattie said. 

Once they let go of each other they looked so guilty. 

"Mum what are you doing here?"

"Well I came to see you. You have missed out on family dinner a few times now."

"Yeah sorry about that. I've been meaning to come but I have been so busy" 

"Uh huh" 

"Well you're coming next week and Eloise make sure that you are there too" she said before walking out. 

"Well Lunch is in my office when you're ready" 

Ryan walked out leaving me and Justin alone for a minute. 

"I'm sorry about that. I can talk her done if you don't want to come or you're not ready to come yet" 

"Justin, I'm ready whenever you are. I spent my life holding things back and being scared for the next step in life but I love you and I want to be with you and if you want me to meet your family then I would love too" 

"Perfect because I've been missing it since mum has been inviting you and I didn't really know how to ask" 

"So start over and ask me"

"Elle, will you join me next week for family dinner?"

"I would love too" 

"Shall we have some Lunch now"

"Yeah let's go" 

I followed Justin and then noticed Luke coming off the elevator. 

"J I will join you in just a second" 

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