Chapter 5 - "New beginnings"

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Eloise POV

I parked outside my brother's house and had a sigh of relief. Just to know that he is safe and that he will get better.

I got out of the car and locked the car. I had brought my brother his favourite brownies that I used to make when we were younger. I made my way to the front door and knocked.

My brother opened the door with his arm in a sling.

"Elle finally, you took your time." Marcus said with a smile.

I ran and hugged him. "watch it little one" he said.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so glad to see you and thank god your okay. I don't know what I would have done if I lost you."

"oi" he grabbed by face to make me look at him "you will never lose me, I promise"

"you can't promise that"

"I can and always will. You and Allie keep me safe. Just the thought that I have to get home to you is all that I need. Anyway come on let's get you a drink.

We walked into the living room and I met with Allie. It was good to see them both together and happy. I've never felt so much relief that my brother was okay. We grab a few glasses of wine and sit down chat. I don't have that I got the job and part of the conversation will happen today.

"So let me get this straight, you told your boss that you read that he was a hard ass and he just laughed and didn't get pissed." I took a large sip of my wine.

"Yep and worst was he said that he was glad to have an honest PA."

"well I'm glad that you're happy and have a good job." Allie smiled.

"to new beginnings" Marcus said

"to new beginnings" our glasses clinked.


I got an uber home and made it just in time as Lucy got home and she was drunk.

"Eloise, there's my bestie. Oooooh I need milk." She then stumbled her way across the kitchen and grabbed milk from the fridge. She drank it from the carton.

"alright let's get you to bed"

I grabbed her arm and put it over my shoulder and walked her upstairs to her room. As soon as I got her to her room, I took off her shoes and lied her down on the bed. Once I had tucked her into bed she grabbed my arm.

"Eloise, you deserve all the happiness in the world".

I smiled and left her room and made my way to mine. I was already in my PJs so I put my phone on charge and got into bed. I have a busy day tomorrow. I was meeting some friends and I was had to pick up my car before that.

Justin's POV

It was 4 pm and I still had paperwork to get through. In a couple of months I would officially be CEO of Bieber Enterprise since my father was stepping down. My father told me to get the background check and get it any way I could before Monday so I made sure that the paperwork was sent off before the morning so I would get it back within 24 hours.

I couldn't wait to have a PA to help me with all of this because a lot of the organising I was doing myself and that didn't always go right.


Another couple of hours had passed so I filed away the rest of the work and packed up and made my way to my car. I was late getting home today and I have my best mate Ryan coming over for a couple of beers. so it was time to go home.

By the time I got home Ryan was already there and he was in the kitchen getting the beers out the fridge.

"Hey it's about time you got here".

"Sorry it's been a long day and there was a lot of paperwork".

"Imagine what it will be like in 4 months".

"Don't remind me"

"I thought you wanted to be CEO".

"of course I do but there is the issue that I will have no personal life and it will be no more club nights out".

"When was the last time that you went to a club".

"I can't remember". I said quietly

"So you're worried that you won't have no social life but you can't remember the last time you went to a club. your already like a CEO so it wouldn't make much of difference. So something else is bothering you?". We grabbed the beers and sat down.

"Mum and Dad keep hassling me about finding someone".

"I mean you are 27".

"Yeah yeah. and anyway you can talk. Your 28 and not with anyone so...".

"Listen I'm dating someone but we're just not exclusive. So technically I am with someone. You know it has been 4 and a half years." there was a bit of a silence.

"Yeah it's been 4 and a half years but she changed me. I've just about got my life sorted and the last thing I need is someone to come and change it and we have a rule mate. We don't mention her". I took a large sip of the beer. "Anyway it's a new start. I have a PA on Monday so I shouldn't be as busy trying to sort out my schedule".

"It's about time you had a PA especially with how forgetful you are."

"I always had mum to help me". Ryan chuckled at my comment.

"Such a mummy's boy" He laughed.

"shut it"

I spent the evening with Ryan just laughing, reminiscing and catching up.

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