Chapter 66 - Last Day in Paris*

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Eloise's POV

This trip is amazing. Everything has been amazing. Justin has been spoiling me too. Yesterday we spent the day in Disney Land Paris and it was perfect. We went on many rides but my personal favourite is the Star Wars Hyperspace ride.

Today was the last full day in Paris. Tomorrow we were heading back and we had to go straight back to work. We were trying to be careful not to get spotted in Paris but we had been going out a lot so that was getting harder and harder. 

We both agreed that we would try to avoid the press as best as we could and also make sure that if we encounter any press when we are together or alone, that we don't say anything because all they will do is twist it. 

Justin hasn't told me where we are going today either. He always tells me at breakfast but today he said it was a surprise for some reason. I'm excited but nervous since I don't know what we're doing. He told me to wear a dress and hat and sunnies and no heels.

We were in the car and we were being driven to wherever we were going. 

"How long left?"

"About 5 minutes" 

We had been in the car for about 35 minutes and I had no idea where we were going. It looked like we had headed out of Paris and we were going towards the countryside. 

"We are here sir" the driver said 

"Come on trouble" I got out the car and Justin joined me on my side. We were at a Vineyard. 

I held Justin's hand and we walked towards a bar where we met with a tour guide. He was the owner of the Vineyard and was going to give us a private tour. 

"Sir, Madam please follow me" 


The tour wasn't too long. It was about an hour and we went through the vines and where they store the wine. I even got to put some wine in some bottles which was cool. I have always loved having some white wine. 

We were now sat in a private seating area having a wine tasting. There were so many wines and I'm sure that I could possibly be drunk by the end of it. 

Justin's POV 

She looked beautiful. Half of the time I wasn't paying attention to the tour guide. My heart stops around her and seeing the smile on her face warms me up. I was quite a cold person before. I met Eloise but she changed me for the better. 

The tour was eventually over. I had taken some sneaky pictures of Elle throughout the tour and I'm pretty sure that half of the time, she didn't even notice. 

The wine tasting was going good. I know that she likes white wine so I had to bring her here. 

"So how do you like the trip so far?"

"It's been truly amazing. Thank you so much. You didn't have to do all of this you know" 

"I wanted to treat you and I wasn't really sure what else to get you for your birthday. I'm sorry that the trip wasn't longer."

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