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There first tutor ended up with Oliver being smack in the head for sleeping off when Kaylen ordered him to finish his potions essay in front of her. Care for Magical Creatures lesson was cut short, since they were more focus on his potions, which was the subject with the worst grade your eyes could ever laid on.

"Great. That ended fast didn't it?" Kaylen remarked enthusiastically, as she shut closed the potions book.

But the only response she got was a loud groan by Oliver who clearly learned a bit but was still frustrated.

"Quidditch..." he mumbled, while his face were buried on his arms that were on the table.

Kaylen rolled her eyes just by the mention of her most hated game.

Oliver ran a hand through his brown hair, before picking up his things to his bag to head at the Great Hall for dinner.

"Well, goodbye then. See you on Friday." Kaylen said as Oliver nodded, and she disappeared out from the library.

When Oliver pick up his bag to carry in his shoulder, he notice a parchment on his table that appeared suddenly. He swear there was no paper right there just a minute ago.

He picked up the parchment and opened it as it reads;

Good work.

- Kay

With those simplest words, a smile spread through his features. He was happy. Why? He don't know.

I mean for merlin's sake, it's just a parchment with two little words in it! But he's happy. Too happy.

The smile lingered for a long time on his face, as he continued to skip towards the Great Hall. The goofy smile still on his features.

"Well, someone's in a good mood.." Katie said, as she saw Oliver walking towards the Gryffindor table and took his seat across them, next to Percy, who was in deep conversation with Angelina.

He quickly fade off his smile, trying his best to look serious. "Just thinking about quidditch." he stated and Katie scoffed.

"Lies." she muttered.

"What?" Oliver asked, he didn't catch that.

"Nothing." Katie dramatically held her hands up high in surrender to which Oliver only rolled his eyes with.

He glance at the Slytherin table and saw the girl in deep conversation with another, presumably Liana.

They were both talking before they burst out laughing. Oliver studied her features and gleeful face as she laugh. She was indeed beautiful. No wonder she was considered as the Slytherins gem. She was precious. Too precious.

Just with that, his heart made a sudden flip. His eyes widened at the sudden action.

'What just happened?', he asked internally, still having his gaze at the girl but was confused with what just happened.

And then, it did it again.




His heart felt alive. Too alive that he felt a tingling feeling in his stomach. What is happening, he kept asking himself.

Something was wrong.

He was panicking, unsure of why his heart was acting this way. Too much joy. Too much excitement was overflowing right now.

He had no clue what was happening. Why this was happening.

Should he go to Madam Promfey or something. Cause this is not normal.

Opposites Attract | Oliver Wood ✔Where stories live. Discover now