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A day ago...

King Cross Station was packed with students bidding goodbye to their parents after the Christmas break, and to go back to the place they considered their second home, Hogwarts.

Kaylen gave his parents a hug, before they eventually apparated away.

She pushed over the massive crowd and head towards the train doors in Hogwarts Express.

As she was about to climb in the step, someone had also taken another step in as she'd have.

She gazed up at the person, and her eyes immediately grew in size, as she recognize the person as the certain brown haired scot boy and Gryffindor quidditch captain.

Oliver also looked up at her and his breathe hitch, as his eyes also doubled in size.

"Hills.." he greeted weakly, before sprinting inside the train, leaving a slightly hurt Kaylen.

She couldn't even stop him to explain herself because she needed to reserve that for her 'sweetly' confession, as Liana said it.

She can't blurt out that she felt the same way, because Liana had a plan to make the confession more memorable.

But it stings pain inside Kaylen to see Oliver avoid her, and call her by her last name.

Kaylen sighed and suck it up. She needs to find the twins to ask them the favour, so that she can finally get this over with, and talk with him again.

She entered the train and just like her thoughts were read, two red heads bounced over behind her.

"Hello Hills~ Good holiday?" they asked.

Kaylen turned around and grinned at them before nodding.

"Good, yours Weasley's?" she questioned.

"Brilliant! You've seen Wood?" they both said at the same time, amazing Kaylen with their ability of telepathy.

"Just saw him pass by. Speaking of which, I have a favour to ask you two involving him.."

This seems to spark interest inside the two red heads as they gazed at Kaylen with pure curiosity. They looked at each other, then back to Kaylen with a grin.


"Go on."

"You'll do it?" she asked and they immediately nodded.

"Anything that benefits." they chorused and the blonde pulled them inside an empty compartment by their ears.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" they whined, and as they were finally out of others hearing, she released them.

"Geez, watch it Hills–"

"–didn't have to drag us by our ears."

Kaylen grinned and rolled her eyes, "Had to be a Slytherin for once. Anyway.."

The twins eagerly looked at her.

"I have a little favour that I might need a huge help from you two." she began and the twins raised an eyebrow.

"You're making us impatient." Fred exclaimed.

"Go on then." George pushed.

"Well, Oliver kinda kissed me last week." she admitted with a blush.

The twins eyes grew wide before a groan escaped their lips. Kaylen looked at them in puzzled.


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