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The End of the Half Blood Prince

The night the news of Dumbledore's death came, it was silent. When Kaylen received the information, she was at their neighbors, and were chatting away with Susan Martel.

It was then, Philip arrived from work frantically blurting it out to the ladies.

Susan had dropped her cup of tea and it shattered to the ground, whilst Kaylen sat there with a surprise face, her lips parted in shock.

Dumbledore dead? That can't be. He was the strongest wizard who could eve lived.

When she finally went back to the cottage, she was pacing when Oliver arrived from practice.

Oliver asks confusedly why the heck she was pacing around the living room, and she answered him directly with only two words. . .

"Dumbledore's dead."

His face instantly fell.

Throughout the entire afternoon of mourning, they contacted the rest of the Order to ask if there's a meeting for it.

Mad Eye confirmed that they will be discussing about it, but not in this moment. They need to higher their guards up seeing as You-Know-Who is making a lot more appearance since the greatest wizard Albus Dumbledore has died.

The two of them were also a lot more careful in these times, placing protective charms around the cottage, and visiting their family to make sure they were also safe.

So far, the Hills were alright but it was getting harder for Mrs and Mr Hills to try and avoid being seen by Death Eaters who were trying to recruit.

Rosie and Gyan Wood were also careful when trying to leave the house. Everyone was being so vigilant these days..

The only thing that provided some warmth for them was the cottage, each other and Fleur's news of being engaged with Bill Weasley.

Kaylen were ecstatic about it, especially with another news of them getting married around the end of July. They had received the invitation a month before the grand wedding.

This occasion was one of things that keeps on giving them joy. Except, of course, from their nightly endeavours.

The Start of Deathly Hallows pt. 1 — FLEUR AND BILL'S WEDDING

Kaylen walked up to the bathroom mirror and breathed out when she saw her appearance. She admits herself, she looks gorgeous.

She was wearing a dark green dress, paired with silver heels.

She was wearing a dark green dress, paired with silver heels

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Her hair was done in a braided updo. Her wrist decorated with her sea bracelet, a pair of earring dangling on her ears, and her snowflake jewelry around her neck. Her make up was light but it was exquisite.

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