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Kaylen hugged her coat closer, feeling the cold harsh wind, hit her skin. It's not even November yet, and the air is already utterly cold.

She looked from beside her and saw Fleur, bouncing up and down in excitement. The girl hasn't been in Hogsmeade village before. Probably because her family was super rich for that.

Kaylen was still in awe how she manage to befriend her. Everyone mostly ignored Fleur since most girls were jealous of her half veela blood, and other because they thought, she only befriended rich kids. Even Fleur's so called Beauxbaton friends never really got closer to her.

Kaylen was confused. Fleur seems like a nice person. Everyone just misunderstand her, con of growing up in a very wealthy family.

"Are you ready to go, Fleur?" Kaylen chuckled when she saw the girl jumping up and down excitedly.

Fleur nodded her head eagerly. She was slightly taller than Kaylen, so Fleur had to tilt her head a little to look at her.

"I am! I hav never beenz to diz village called Hogsmeadez before. I'm excitez." Fleur replied.

Liana was going with the twins. And they said they'll met them after they got some business done. Which slightly confused Kaylen a bit.

"Come on."

They rode the carriages down Hogsmeade. And stroll around the streets buying candies and sweets from Honeydukes. Then, at the book store to purchase a newly released book, whilst talking and laughing occasionally.

At last, when the time hit 1. Kaylen excused herself to meet someone, to which Fleur already had known, that's why the half veela was smirking when the blonde scurried away with a blush.

Kaylen opened the door leading inside the Three Broomsticks, and felt the warmness of the shop envelope with her.

The moment she step in, two arms greeted her with overflowing glee. When she inhaled the familiar scent of that person, she immediately melted unto his arms.

"Kay." Oliver breathed as he pulled away, and made eye contact.

"Hi, Oliver." she smiled warmly at the sight of him.

"I miss you so much." he hugged her again and she chuckled.

"I miss you too. Hogwarts been a bit lonely without your soul lingering in it." Kaylen admitted and he chuckled, pulling away.

He stared into her familiar grey orbs and found the longing heart inside his chest fill up with happiness. They're reunited again. He wasted no time to taste her, as he connects their lips. Kaylen melted into the kiss, and she deepened it.

She could feel Oliver smile through their attached lips. Before he pulled away.

"Come on, I've got tables for the both of us." he led her to the table on the corner of the Three Broomsticks.

"Butterbeer?" he asked as he helped her take her coat off, and seat on the chair, before taking a seat across her, himself.

"Yes please." Kaylen chimed.

Oliver smiled and called over Madam Rosmerta.

Opposites Attract | Oliver Wood ✔Where stories live. Discover now