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It has been eight months since the war has ended. Still, those passing days weren't enough for some to simply stop grieving over the ones they had lost.

In light of everything, they've won. But the victory also has it's price: the exclusive weight of a person's life.

Things changed drastically since then.

Those who had lost someone after the war, realized the cost. For one, Liana Jones had never been in life known to be always surrounded with negatives.

She wouldn't claim to be an optimistic person either, but she's outgoing, she's fun, she likes to laugh and send witty and sarcastic comments to anybody around her.

But for the most time in these past months, she had a huge change of character.

People barely saw her exit her room anymore, they haven't even remember the last time the brunette had laughed. Her family was worried and she was mostly absent on work, that she wasn't frequently playing on any of their matches anymore that their team coach was left no other choice than to replace her with their substitutes until she's fully ready to get back on tracks.

Everyone understood her, they lost a lot during the war. It took many things that it could from them.

And when her family does see her, she looks dreadful. Dark bags under her eyes, and pale complexion, her eyes lacks bright colours.

But what worry them the most, is that they mostly seen her with large t shirts and sweaters that undoubtedly belong to a guy named Fred Weasley.

Sometimes, when Liana forgets to place a silencing charm around her room, her family would hear her whimpers and sobs, echoing through the other side of the door that makes the whole household quiet.

Liana doesn't even goes out to see the sun or even touch some grass. She no longer visits the Weasley Wizard Wheezes and completely just avoids the place she used to sleep in at, wrapped around the arms of the man she used to love or still loves.

It was hard to let go of things that brought so much happiness to you, they get that.

But the problem is, that person who brings you the memory of joy is already gone, departing their existence from this world.

You can't keep holding on unto something that no longer exists.

On the other hand, George Weasley wasn't doing any better. He hasn't opened the shop, he and his twin brother used to run and just mostly spends his days on the small apartment up the stairs of their shop and blankly stares on the wall across his room, or in some nights, he cries to sleep.

In times, he avoids the room across the hallway, right outside his. The door that lingers there, as if waiting to be open.

Fred's room had only been open once just to gather some of his things and memories for his funeral. It had been Molly who took the initiative to clean his room, and even then, the woman wept throughout the cleaning. Ginny assisted her mother but even she was shedding tears.

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