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Kaylen trudge her suitcase on the stairs until she reached her dormitory, and swung the door open to see every other of her room mates already unpacking their trunks.

They were back at Hogwarts after Winter break, and had just arrived from the long ride of the express.

She approached her bed side and started unpacking herself. When she was just about to finish, she spot a picture frame at the bottom of her trunk. Picking it up, she realized it was a picture of her and Oliver during New Years.

They were both laughing, and Oliver swayed Kaylen in a slow dance. It was a moving image captured by Liana. And when the blonde saw how wonderful it turned out, she decided to frame it.

Kaylen smiled fondly, as she watch herself in the arms of her boyfriend, dancing melodically with the music she can still hear.

She placed the picture frame delicately on her nightstand and stood up to join the others at the Great Hall for dinner.


"Eurghhh-! Why is it still cold?" Liana whined, as she and Kaylen strolled around the Hogwarts ground.

Kaylen was holding the potion book, the twins gave her, studying for any new brews as she walked alongside with her best friend.

It has been a week since they arrived back at Hogwarts. And Kaylen had talked it out with Snape on what she wanted to do in the future: which was potion making.

Kaylen decided finally on being a Potioneer.

Snape had given her the required grades to be a Potioneer, and the whole process to it. Though, Kaylen was sure the man only did her that favour because she's one of his best students, plus, she's a Slytherin.

She's been studying to ace Charms, Transfiguration, Potions (of course), Ancient Runes, and DADA. They were the classes she needed to excel in (not that she haven't already).

"It's still January, what do you expect?" Kaylen sarcastically remarked.

"Still, the cold wind should've been due only for December." Liana exclaimed exasperatedly.

"At least there's no snow." the blonde said as they sat on slightly damp grass. Liana let out a sigh as she fall on her arse.

"Why're you studying? NEWTs are months away.. " Liana crinkled her nose when she saw the books Kaylen was carrying on her bag.

"It's better to be ready. And you should also study, if you don't wanna be unemployed." she stated. Liana only leaned back and place her arms behind her head casually.

"A quidditch chaser professional doesn't seem like a far fetched dream for me." the brunette flashed a grin, and Kaylen raise her eyebrow.

"You're planning on taking quidditch?" she asked and the girl nodded.

"You know, continue the legacy." Liana chuckled and Kaylen rolled her eyes.

Liana Jones was the sister of Gwenog Jones, the Holyhead Harpies captain. Quidditch has been running through their family blood, and it didn't surprise Kaylen that it had run the same on Liana.

"Merlin, I would have a boyfriend and a best friend who are both quidditch players!" Kaylen exclaimed and Liana laughed.

"I know you hating quidditch wouldn't last long with me and Wood in your fingers, Kay." Liana mused and she huffed, but a grin was playing on her lips.

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