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The week pass by with a blur. Since Kleo woke up, Healers said he still needs a month in the hospital before he can get discharged. Much to the man's protest, he had complained about the pillows not comfy enough and his back was aching.

Because of that, Kaylen found herself staying in St. Mungos most of the time. Kleo and Oliver had properly met.

Safe to say, Oliver wasn't receiving an end of Kleo Hills narrowed looks. But the blonde boy only gave him his blessing when he found out that Oliver was Puddlemere's new keeper, which was his replacement in the team. But that doesn't mean he likes the guy.

Kleo was still skeptical about the idea of letting her sister date some.... guy.

But it's not like he can do anything about it, seeing as their already on step in moving in together. Kleo was ecstatic to see their cottage though.

Kaylen and Kleo are trying to revive their sibling relationship again in exchange for the long time that has passed by. And Oliver understood that.

Between her training in potion making, Kleo waking up from the coma, and the cottage renovation, Kaylen didn't had enough time to spend with Oliver. Even though, the boy hasn't complained about it. Seeing as he also was busy with practice.

In addition to that, they still have Liana who borrows Kaylen a lot or take them out for a drink.

The brunette had told them she was accepted in as quidditch trainee for Holyhead Harpies. Which was where her older sister also captainship. She also stated that she and Fred have been meeting in Hogsmeade everytime there is a visit. And sometimes randomly, when the twins sneaks out of Hogwarts to go to the little village and meet her.

Liana said that Fred told her there was a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, who was a purposely arranged by the Ministry to control Hogwarts.

This information seems new for them, but they certainly weren't okay with it.

Because of their busy schedules on work, move in, and appointments with friends. They barely had time off together.


Kaylen levitated the huge box of clothes upstairs to the bedroom. She gently released it down by the closet. The bedroom was average, a large bed was at the center, a wooden nightstand beside it, and there was two closet across, another door led to a personal bathroom, since there is also another bathroom down.

A table with a mirror where Kaylen would do her make up is placed on by the window. The view was exquisite when you gaze outside the window and saw the beautiful sight of the ocean in the distance.

The room was just what Kaylen dreamed of.

Suddenly, she felt two arms wrapped her around the waist from behind, and she chuckled to her self when she smelt his familiar cinnamon scent.

She let out a sigh, as she gaze around.

"What do you think? It's nice isn't it.."

"Yes, very nice." he nodded.

"Two more days and this cottage will be lovely enough to live in." Kaylen breathed out and he released his hold from her as he approached the bed and sat on the soft duvet.

"Mum and dad said they'll visit here tomorrow and check if we need anything else. From kitchen utensils or other furnitures." Oliver explained, "And your parents also said they would also come by to look.." he added.

Opposites Attract | Oliver Wood ✔Where stories live. Discover now