[ 19 ]

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"Hey..." she greeted, catching the Scot boy's attention as he whipped his head to hers and his eyes widened at the very girl who stood nervously before him.

She looked beautiful. Kaylen barely dolls up, not like Oliver thought she wasn't already pretty, but she glowed more.

"Kaylen... hi. You look- uhmm stunning, very." Oliver complimented, and the blonde blushed.

Hoping that her by now crimson cheeks would be covered by the cold.

"thanks..." she replied, avoiding eye contact with Oliver, as he continued to stare at her and admire.

In his eyes, or probably everybody, she looks beautiful in every aspects of her features. Not only did he admire her looks, but had also come to like her personality. She was kind, for a Slytherin. She was caring, she ran as fast as she could to comfort Oliver and that lit up something warm inside him.

She cared for him. And that made Oliver really really happy.

"Shall we then?"

Kaylen nodded, entering the carriage and Oliver followed. The horseless carriage dragged itself to Hogsmeade village and they sat there in silence. Not really knowing what to say.

That was when Oliver muster up all his courage and start up conversation.

"So, I never really ask you this but what classes do you take?" he asked carefully.

He knew how invested Kaylen was with studies so the topic would light her up.

"Oh, I take Arithmancy, Charms, Transfiguration, DADA, Ancient Runes, Potions, Herbology, and History of Magic.." she stated and Oliver's eyes widened.

"You take 8 lessons!? That's so many!" he remarked and she shrugged.

"I'm okay with it, plus I love learning them. Don't really fancy taking History of Magic though. But I manage. Do you take Divination?" Kaylen asked him.

"I thought about taking it but they said Professor Trenawley is mad, so I didn't consider.." Oliver commented and Kaylen chuckled, making a warm smile appear on the Scottish boy's lips.

He just made her smile.

"Their not really wrong on that part, I sometimes found her talking to herself when I pass by her classroom. It's kinda creepy.." Kay remarked and they held gazes before bursting into fits of laughter.

The whole ride didn't feel uncomfortable anymore, as they engage themselves in talking about classes. Though, is not really an enjoyable subject to talk about in Oliver's perception, but with Kaylen, he honestly don't mind.

Time seems to pass by faster as they talk when they suddenly came unto halt, signalling they had arrived.

They got off the carriage and wandered around the Hogsmeade streets that was covered in white snow.

"So, where do you wanna go first?" Oliver asked, turning to the girl who adjusted her scarf.

Oliver chuckled as he watched her having a bit of trouble in trying to adjust it.

"Here, let me help you.." Oliver offered as he step closer to the blonde, and reached out his hands to adjust her Slytherin scarf properly.

Kaylen couldn't help but blush as she stared into the brown coffee eyes of Oliver that was focused solely on fixing her scarf.

The longer she stared into them, the deeper she falls.



Opposites Attract | Oliver Wood ✔Where stories live. Discover now