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The Slytherin common room was empty, no living soul was in it. Meanwhile, in the girls dormitory there was, Kaylen lying in her four poster bed, eyes wide open.

Her roommates were all in deep sleep, she was not.

Kaylen had been thinking. A lot was on her mind, weighing her need of sleep down. Her thoughts was flying everywhere.

Deep inside, maybe she did want to make it official.

Maybe she didn't...

One thing, for sure she knew, she likes Oliver Wood. And there's no harm in trying a relationship.

And with last reassuring words, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.


Oliver was in a mess.

He skipped two classes today just for quidditch practice. His mind was going left and right as their match against Ravenclaw was finally tomorrow.

He needed everyone to perfect their skills. And he'll do anything to make sure of that.

It was lunch that noon, when he finally entered the Great Hall, weary and tired from practicing.

His team following behind him, also low in energy with the rage practice their captain shot at them.

Oliver saw Fred's eyes lit up, and he followed his eye line. There he saw Liana and Kaylen sitting in the Gryffindor table.

Some Gryffindors were scowling at their presence, but some were not. Probably because they knew, the two girls weren't that bad.

Oliver's eyes had also lit up when he saw Kaylen, with a book in hand, and a fork in the other. She was eating while reading, very likely of her.

Her blonde hair was tied in a long braid, and two strands framed her face.

She didn't even notice when they arrive, since she was so engulf with the book in her hand.

Kaylen had only realize they were there when Oliver cleared his throat.

She look up and a smile crawled unto her lips.

"Hey, Oliver. How's practice?" Kaylen asked, scooting over to give space for him to sit.

Oliver was shock she'd ask about something quidditch related, but then again, he also notice the girl had no longer tense up everytime he talks about it. He notice Kaylen had gotten used to it. And he was glad.

"Tiresome." the scot said weakly, seating down.

"I can see that.." Kaylen chuckled, looking at his drained expression.

Even though, his muscles were tired, Oliver was still able to crack a small smile.

He started to pile his plate up and fed himself up. He's lost lots of energy from practice. And he was certain they did their very best.

"What's your next class?" Kaylen asked.

"Free period."

"Mine too. Heard you skip two classes this day.." she grinned and he smiled.

"How'd you know?"

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