Bonus Chapter

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There was a loud cry, early in the morning, in the small cottage. The adults that resided in it, were interrupted and was obviously awoken in surprise.

Kaylen groans and rolled over the bed, Oliver's arms were on her waist.

She furrows her eyebrows and turns to Oliver, groggily saying...

"Ollie, please tend your children."

Oliver chuckled lowly, his eyes still close and Kaylen could her how deep his morning voice was.

"They're your children too, Kay." she could feel him grin against her hair,

"Shut up, they take after you more than they take after me. And since they had the audacity to do that, you tend them." Kaylen grumbled.

Oliver chuckled again, but nonetheless opened his eyes, and sat up the bed. His still weary eyes gaze at Kaylen, with a tired smile...

"You use that excuse far too often, love."

"Because it's true." Kaylen rolled over to the other side of the bed again, her back facing him and he chuckles.

Oliver sat up the bed, and put on a shirt since he always goes to bed shirtless. He walks over to Kaylen and crouch down, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Good morning, darling." he says, and stood up.

Kaylen let an involuntarily smile display on her lips as she opens one eyes, watching as he opens the door out their bedroom, ready to take his leave and tend their crying children.

"Good morning, Ollie."

It has been ten months since the birth of the Wood twins, and one year and six months since the war ended. Everything was at peace.

Though, Liana still occasionally cries to sleep and George still stares blankly in daze at the wall across his room, yet despite that they do seem to slowly heal.

Liana and George had reunited and their meeting was emotional. It consisted with a lot of tears when Liana accompanied by Kaylen and Oliver with their little twins, visited George at the shop.

Safe to say, George was shock and when his and Liana's eyes connected, it immediately brought them to cry.

So, all afternoon, their small friendship get-together was mostly spent crying.

But at that time, fate allowed them to heal and for the past few months, they started to pick up their fallen pieces and walk on forwards.

George had taken Angelina Johnson for a date, as promised, and it went well. Seeing as they made an arrangement for another date.

Liana, on the other hand, started to focus back into her work and distract herself by training and practicing for their quidditch matches.

She was getting better, but still, it was like there was a missing piece in her that had been long gone. Her eyes revived it's colours, but not completely.

Before Fred's death, there was this certain glint in her eyes, but after he was gone, that glint vanished too. And it seems like, it was never coming back.

That glint was a part of Fred, and if he was departing from this world, then so was that tiny spark in Liana's eyes.

But still, the brunette started to laugh and she genuine felt happier.

The effects of the war, will only serve as a scarred memory, buried deep within their aching heart.

Today, Kaylen and Oliver was dropping off little Alvin and Lensia at Rosie and Gyan Wood's house, because they would be going out together with their friends and Rosie was more than willing to babysit for them.

Rosie was incredibly attached to their kids, Mr and Mrs Hills also not making an exception, and also the whole Hills family just adored the twins.

They were adorable babies, and Mr Hills couldn't help but spoil them a lot to the point where Kaylen had to scold her father for doing too much.

And so, Kaylen got up that morning, stretching as she walks out the bedroom, and down the kitchen where she heard noises.

Kaylen peeks through the hallways and smiles when she saw that Oliver had seated them to their respectable seats, and trying to feed them.

Though, feeding doesn't seem to come easy for him because his little children were rather wild.

Alvin was thrashing around, causing some of his meal to smudge all over his face as the little boy laughed in glee.

Lensia, on the other hand, keeps throwing her food towards her father using the tiny spoon.

Oliver sighs in defeat, and Kaylen chuckles as she enters the kitchen,

"Why is parenting so hard?" Oliver pouted as he saw Kaylen enter.

She laughs and stands beside him, kissing him on the cheeks.

"This is what you get for putting this two wild animals inside of me, and making me give birth to them." she says, as she took the bowl from Lensia and feed her instead.

Lensia pouts at her mum, but one stern look from her was enough for the little baby girl to begrudgingly open her mouth as Kaylen slowly feeds her,

Oliver grins, "You like how that night turned out though, I'm sure–"


He threw his head back and laughs, as Kaylen glared at him, a heated blush evident on her face,

"Get out of here and get the bath tub ready for the kids."

Oliver smirked, "Aye aye, madam."

Kaylen rolled her eyes but smiled as Oliver exits the kitchen with a laugh.

She turns to Alvin, who still keeps thrashing around wildly.

"Alvin..." she warned and the boy stopped momentarily to look at her mother, before continuing to thrash around.

Unlike Alvin, Lensia was well behaved and know when to listen. Alvin, on the other hand, is just straight manic.

Then, Kaylen thought of an idea that always get her children to do as she says,

"Alvin, no sweet if you don't eat your breakfast!" she said strictly and Alvin's eyes widen to look at her as he whined,

"Sweet! I want!"

"If you want your sweet, eat your food as how Lensia is." they look over at little Lensia who was grudgingly eating her breakfast with a pout.

Alvin's eyes lit up as he snatch the spoon on the table and started eating his breakfast. With full mouth, the little baby boy turns to look up at Kaylen and said adorably...

"Momma! 'Am eating!"

Kaylen smiles lovingly and kiss her son's cheeks, as she went towards the kitchen counter to get their warm milk ready.

AHHHH!!!! i love these fluffs! More bonus chapters coming soon, bc i like spoiling y'all <3

~pearlyy xx

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