Chapter 8 - Friendly

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"Hey!" Chimney rolls down his window as he pulls up to see Addie waiting outside her apartment, "You look good."

"Thanks." Addie blushes as she brushes her hair out of her face. As she walks over to the side of the car, Chimney jumps out and runs over to open the door for her. "Thank you."

"Anytime." Chimney says, shutting the door. He runs back to the drivers seat and gets back into the car.

"You didn't have to do that." Addie says.

"No, but I wanted to. You ready?" Chimney smiles as he shuts his door.

"I'm ready." she buckles her seat belt. Chimney drives off towards downtown. They sit in an awkward silence as Addie plays with the zipper on her purse.

"Are you ok?" Chimney looks over.

"Huh? Oh... Uh... Yeah. I'm fine." Addie nods her head, still playing with the zipper.

"Seriously. What's up, Addie?" Chimney asks nervously.

"It's just something that Athena said to me today." Addie chuckles nervously. She looks out the window to avoid eye contact.

"What did she say?" Chimney looks at her, pulling up to a red light.

"She asked me about you, actually... Said we seemed friendly." Addie says, still fiddling with her purse.

"Ah... So you're worried that I am thinking that this is a date, right?" Chimney sighs and leans back in his seat.

"Well... Yeah... Kind of." Addie looks over at him, "I'm sorry, Chimney. It's just... I just moved here... I do like you... Uh... I mean... I..." Addie stumbles over her words, realizing what she just said.

"Addie... I like you, too... Would it be so bad if this were a date? I mean... In a way it kind of is." Chimney shrugs. The corners of his lips reveal a slight smile.

"Well... No... But what about Uncle Bobby? Won't he be mad if anything happens? He's your captain, Howie." Addie says, "I don't want you to get in trouble at work because of me. I would feel absolutely awful."

"Why don't we just see how tonight goes before we talk about what might happen, Addie? Let's just have a few drinks, maybe play some pool... Just have fun." Chimney puts his hand on hers to comfort her. She looks down at their hands and smiles. "If we decide we want to keep doing this, well, then I will deal with Bobby. You won't have to worry about a thing."

"Alright. That sounds like a plan." Addie giggles as he wraps his fingers around hers.

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