Chapter 18 - Company

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The room is silent as all eyes are on Addie. Athena, a detective, and another police officer are all waiting to hear what Addie remembers. "It's ok, Addie. I'm right here." Athena puts her hand on Addie's arm. Addie looks at Athena with fear in her eyes, and takes a deep breath.

"Well... We were talking. We were headed to Chimney's apartment after our date. Chimney looked at me and that's when I saw it... The semi. It jackknifed, right in front of us. I couldn't get his attention in time. By the time he looked up, he slammed on the breaks but it wasn't enough... We hit right in between the truck and the trailer." Addie cries, "I just need Chimney to be ok. I didn't..."

"You didn't what, Addie?" Athena asks, confused.

"I didn't get to tell him that I love him." Addie breaks down in tears.

"Oh, honey." Athena carefully hugs her. She waves the detective and the other officer out of the room. "He is going to be alright. He is so strong. Believe me."

"I know. He's made it through worse... I just can't lose him." Addie looks into Athena's eyes.

"I understand. It is a scary thing." Athena says.

"Have you ever gone through anything like this?"

"Actually I have... My first fiancé, before Michael and Bobby, was shot at a gas station. He was there at the wrong time." Athena grabs Addie's hand, "I know how you are feeling."

"I'm so sorry... I had no idea." Addie's eyes grew wide.

"Don't be sorry. There is no way you could have known."

"Um... Excuse me... Addelaide Morris?" a nurse walks in, looking down at a clipboard.

"Is Chimney... I mean Howie... Is Howie ok?" Addie asks, flustered.

"Howie is out of surgery. But he hasn't shown any signs of waking up... Would you like me to bring you to see him?" the nurse asks.

"Please. Please let me see him." Addie tries to get herself off of the bed.

"Let us do that for you, please." the nurse rushes over and grabs her arm.

"Do you want me to have your Uncle Bobby go with you?" Athena asks.

"If it's ok, I'd like to go on my own." Addie says as the nurse helps her into the wheelchair.

"Alright. We love you, Addie. Keep Chimney company for us, ok?" Athena smiles.

"Of course. Oh, and Athena?"

"Yes, Addie?"

"Please don't tell Uncle Bobby what I said... About being in love with Chimney, that is... You can tell him what happened." Addie asks, awkwardly stumbling through her words.

"I won't say a word, I promise." Athena winks.

"Thank you." Addie smiles.

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