Chapter 19 - Phase

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"Addie?" Chimney asks groggily the next morning. Addie convinced the doctors to let her be moved to the same room as him. Hearing his voice, she wakes up.

"Howie?" Addie sits up, hoping she didn't imagine it.

"Addie." he moans, staring at the ceiling.

"Nurse! Nurse! He's awake!" Addie yells.

"Addie." Chimney calls out again.

"I'll be there soon, Howie. My leg is broken, I can't get up." Addie says.

"I hurt you." Chimney's eyes start to water.

"No. Chim. It's not your fault." Addie says as a nurse enters the room.

"Hello, Howie! Good to see you awake." the nurse says, walking over to the side of his bed.

"Can Addie come over here?" Chimney asks, still looking at the ceiling.

"Well, hello to you, too." she laughs before helping Addie into a wheelchair.

"I'm coming, Chimney." Addie laughs as the nurse wheels her over. Chimney slightly turns his head to look into Addie's eyes, "Thank you."

"Press the call button if you need me." the nurse says before walking out of the room.

"Addie." he starts to cry.

"Hey! Don't cry. We're both alive." Addie wipes his tears and puts her hand on his cheek.

"I thought I was going to lose you." he reaches his hand out to touch her face and she wraps her fingers around his. He runs his thumb across the cut on her cheek.

"But you didn't... We didn't. I love you, Chimney." she pulls his hand to her lips and kisses it. Chimney's eyes go wide and his mouth falls open.

"You... You just said..." he stutters.

"I love you." Addie says again.

"Oh my god... Addelaide, I love you, too." Chimney smiles. Addie moves her wheelchair close enough to lean over and kiss Chimney. "You love me? For real?"

"For real." Addie giggles.

"Oh my god. You love me." Chimney leans back on his pillow, with a grin on his face.

"Of course I love you, stupid." Addie smirks.

"I don't even care that you just called me stupid. It doesn't even phase me." he looks back at her smiling.

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