Chapter 37 - Relationship

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"Morning, Buck. Morning, Hen." Chimney says as he walks up the stairs to the loft in the firehouse. It has been two months since Buck and Eddie admitted their feelings for each other.

"Uh... Yeah... Morning, Chim." Buck says, eyes glued to his phone.

"Are you alright, Buck?" Chimney looks at him.

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine." Buck says without looking up.

"No you're not." Hen says.

"Is it something with Eddie?" Chimney asks as Eddie walks up the stairs.

"Huh? What about me?" Eddie looks over.

"No... It has nothing to do with Eddie... Actually... It's Jenny." Buck looks up from his phone.

"What about her?" Eddie tries to grab Buck's phone, but Buck pulls it away, "Come on, Evan."

"Did you guys know that she is bi too?" Buck looks around. They all stare at him.

"No... How do you know this?" Eddie asks, trying to look over Buck's shoulder at his phone screen.

"Well, you know Captain Strand? In Texas?" Buck asks.

"Yeah. He's the one that moved all the way from New York to rebuild the 126, right?" Chimney asks as he grabs a banana off the counter.

"Yep. That is Captain Strand." Buck says, looking back down at his phone.

"What about Captain Strand?" Bobby asks coming up the stairs.

"Jenny is now dating his daughter apparently." Buck looks up again.

"No way." Hen says and holds out her hand, "Let me see!"

"Well that's an interesting turn of events." Bobby chuckles as he walks over to the table.

"She updated her relationship status, so yes way." Buck says as he turns his phone around to show everyone.

"Well I'll be damned! I'm normally able to tell, but she gave no signs of being interested in women." Hen says folding her arms.

"Definitely did not see that coming." Chimney sits down across from Buck as he takes a bite of his banana.

"I didn't even know she was going to Texas." Buck says.

"To be fair, you didn't know a lot... She left when you were unconscious." Hen says.

"That is true. It is still weird though." Buck sighs.

"Why is it weird? You were in a new relationship way before she was." Bobby looks at him.

"Well... Yeah. But, how could she not tell me that she is bi?" Buck looks around.

"The same way that you didn't tell her that you are." Eddie shrugs.

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