Chapter 76 - Laps

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"Can I please ride in the ambulance with her?" Chimney runs up as Hen and Buck load the stretcher in the back of the ambulance. Hen and Eddie look at each other and Eddie nods. 

"Yes, Chim. But you can't work on her, so you have to sit in the front." Hen says and points to the passenger seat. 

"I know. I just need to be there with her." Chimney cries. 

"Alright, get in then." Eddie points. They watch Chimney run towards the front of the ambulance and get in. 

"I'll drive." Buck says before he hops in the driver's seat while Eddie and Hen get in the back with Addie. 

"How did this happen?" Bobby looks at Athena, who is pressed into his chest, as Buck drives off. 

"I... I don't know... By the time they told us not to approach the suspect, I had already sent Addie on her way over. She must not have heard the warning." Athena wipes the tears off of her face. 

"Why weren't you with her?" Bobby stares at her, with pain in his eyes. 

"I..." Athena looks up at him with fear covering her face. 

"You what, Athena?" Bobby takes a deep breath, trying not to break down. 

"I hesitated... I left my gun in the car and when I went to grab it I hesitated. I was trying not to think about what happened last time... And that's when I heard it." Athena looks at the ground. 

"The gunshot." Bobby says as Athena nods. 

"I'm so sorry, Bobby. This is all my fault." Athena cries as she pushes her face into his chest again. 

"This is what she was worried about. I told her not to be, but she still was... She was right... She trusted you... I trusted you." Bobby says with a monotone voice, looking up to avoid looking at her.

"Bobby..." Athena pulls back and looks up at him, she looks defeated. Bobby doesn't say a word, instead he takes a step back and walks over towards the sand. "Bobby!" Athena calls after him, wiping tears from her face, she follows him. 

"Give me some time, Athena." Bobby says without stopping. 

"But..." Athena breaks down and falls to her knees. Bobby keeps walking, he makes his way across the sand, not stopping until he reaches the water. He stands there, watching out over the ocean as the water laps over his feet. 

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