Chapter 43 - Happy

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"Great job, team." Bobby says as they stand outside the emergency room door, "We saved a lot of lives today."

"Yeah we did." Eddie says.

"All because Chim decided to propose in the right spot at the right time." Hen laughs.

"Wait... What?!" Bobby looks at Chimney.

"Oh... They didn't tell you?" Hen looks at Chimney awkwardly.

"No. They didn't. What happened tonight, Chim?" Bobby asks.

"Uh... Yeah... I asked Addie to marry me tonight." Chimney's face went red.

"You didn't tell Uncle Bobby?" Addie whispers.

"I swear I did... I must've imagined it." Chimney whispers back.

"When were you planning on telling me?" Bobby crosses his arms.

"Well... I guess right now." Chimney chuckles nervously.

"Well, Uncle Bobby... What do you think?" Addie looks at him. Bobby takes a long pause, and looks back and forth between the two of them. He slowly walks towards Chimney, who cowers in fear.

"You really asked her to marry you without at least telling me first?" Bobby gets up in Chimney's face.

"Bobby, I'm sorry. I know I should have told you. You're one of my best friends. Honestly though, I thought that I told you." Chimney starts to sweat.

"Nope. You never said a thing to me." Bobby puts his hands on his waist.

"I really am sorry... Please don't be mad at me." Chimney looks at the ground, as Bobby gives him a hug.

"Take good care of her." Bobby says, patting Chimney on the back.

"I will." Chimney smiles and gives Addie a thumbs up, behind Bobby's back, "Are you sure that I didn't tell you?"

"Not to my knowledge." Bobby raises an eyebrow.

"I swear I told you... I had a whole speech planned out and everything." Chimney looks at Bobby, confused.

"Yikes." Hen laughs, "To be fair, I knew he was going to, but I didn't know when."

"No one told me... I just noticed the ring on Addie's hand." Eddie shrugs.

"I don't understand how you guys can be so happy right now... My ex-fiancée, who may I remind you, was a friend to all of you, is lying in an operating room in critical condition." Buck says without turning away form the window.

"Buck, we have to trust the doctors know what they are doing. There is nothing we can do. So let's focus on what we do have." Hen puts her hand on his shoulder.

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