Chapter 80 - On the Way

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"Family of Addelaide Morris?" a nurse calls, looking down at the clipboard in front of her. Chimney and Bobby both jump up and run towards her.

"That's me... Us... I'm her fiancé and this is her uncle." Chimney frantically spits out.

"Is she alright? Is she out of surgery? Can we see her?" Bobby asks, rushing through his words.

"She is alright. She's out of surgery. You'll be able to see her once she wakes up... But don't worry, her and the baby are both doing just fine." the nurse smiles as Chimney's face flushes.

"Did... Did you just say..." Chimney looks back and forth between Bobby and the nurse.

"Oh... You didn't know... Did you?" the nurse looks embarrassed, "I shouldn't have said anything..."

"Addie is pregnant?" Bobby looks at her in shock.

"She is... But... I wasn't supposed to tell you that if you didn't know..." the nurse says quietly, "I will let you know when you are able to go see her."

"Thank you." Chimney chokes out as he watches her return through the double doors, tears were forming in corners of his eyes.

"Chim. Are you alright?" Bobby turns towards him. Chimney is staring off into space with a dazed look on his face.

"She's pregnant... We're having a baby." Chimney looks up at Bobby as the tears start falling down his face. Bobby wraps his arms around Chimney.

"And she's ok." Bobby says, calmly, "Our girl is ok."

"The baby is ok... Oh my god... I can't believe that she's pregnant." Chimney takes a step back from Bobby as a smile grows across his face, "We are going to have a baby. I can't believe it."

"Me either." Bobby smiles.

"I can't believe that we didn't know... How did we not know?" Chimney starts pacing back and forth.

"I don't know... Maybe it's just too early?" Bobby watches him carefully to make sure that he's alright.

"I mean... Maybe... But... A baby. We're having a baby. This is crazy. We're getting married in a month and we have a baby on the way." Chimney stops and stares at Bobby.

"You do. You and Addie have a baby on the way. I'm happy for you." Bobby smiles.

"Kevin gets to have a baby brother or sister." Chimney says right the shock finally wears off and he passes out.

"Chimney!" Bobby catches him before he falls to the floor.

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