Chapter 82 - Alive

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"Hey, Addie... How are you feeling?" Athena asks quietly as she, Hen, Buck, and Eddie enter the small hospital room.

"I'm alright." Addie smiles over to Chimney, who was mesmerized playing with her fingers.

"You seem very chipper considering you just got out of major surgery." Hen says.

"And for good reason." Chimney says without letting his gaze leave Addie.

"Uh... Ok?" Buck looks at them confused.

"What's going on?" Eddie asks.

"I'm pregnant." Addie smiles.

"Wait... What?!" Eddie's eyes grow wide.

"Yeah. They found out while she was in surgery." Chimney looks over at them.

"...Since when?" Hen looks at them, with shock on her face.

"They said she's only about a month and a half along." Chimney smiles over at everyone.

"And... The baby is ok?" Athena asks, a little worried.

"The baby is perfectly fine." Addie says, "They were very surprised, actually."

"The bullet barely missed her uterus. So we got very lucky." Chimney explains.

"That's incredible." Eddie says, "Sounds like that little baby of yours is going to be a fighter."

"Have you met it's parents? Of course it's going to be a fighter." Bobby smirks.

"That's fair." Hen laughs, "Those two have gone through a lot."

"Did you have any idea that she might be pregnant before today?" Buck asks.

"Nope. Not at all." Addie smirks.

"This is great news." Eddie says.

"It really is." Chimney smiles over at Addie.

"Well... Since no one else is going to say it... Congratulations!" Hen runs over and gently hugs Addie.

"Thanks, Hen." Addie laughs, "I'm still in shock... But I'm getting excited."

"That's totally understandable." Hen says.

"I'm really sorry all of this happened, Addie." Athena looks down.

"I'm alive, aren't I?" Addie looks over at Athena.

"Well... Yes... But if it weren't for me, this might not have happened." Athena says.

"It's alright, Athena. It probably would've happened anyways. So don't worry about it, ok? I'm alive. My baby is alive. That's all that matters." Addie says, trying to get off of the subject.

"If anyone should be sorry to anyone, it's me." Bobby stands up and walks over to Athena.

"No. You were right." Athena tries to avoid making eye contact.

"I wasn't. It's not your fault. I should've never blamed you." Bobby kisses her.

"Well... Anyways... A baby! You should definitely name it Buck if it's a boy." Buck laughs.

"I don't think, so, Buck." Chimney smirks and shakes his head.

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