Chapter 62 - Good Point

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"You know what?" Addie says, sitting at the counter, rocking Kevin in his car seat.

"What?" Chimney looks up from the dishes that he is washing in the sink.

"I want to go on a little trip." Addie looks up from Kevin.

"A trip?" Chimney asks, drying his hands on the dish towel hanging on the stove, "What about your mom?"

"She's been enjoying spending time with Bobby and Athena. It would give her more uninterrupted time with them." Addie says as her mom walks out of the spare bedroom.

"What would give me more uninterrupted time with who?" Marge asks, walking over to the counter and grabbing Kevin out of the car seat.

"Addie wants to go on a trip." Chimney says.

"Oh! That would be nice! Where do you want to go?" Marge looks over at Addie as she rocks Kevin in her arms.

"Texas." Addie says.

"Why Texas?" Marge asks her confused.

"Yeah... Why Texas?" Chimney looks at her.

"Because our friend Jenny lives there. We haven't seen her in a while... Plus, I think she would like to meet Kevin." Addie smiles.

"Oh, you're going to take him with you?" Marge asks.

"Why not?" Addie shrugs.

"I mean... I guess we could go to Texas with Kevin... When do you want to go?" Chimney asks.

"Can we go next week?" Addie looks at Chimney.

"Sure, why not? I'll talk to Bobby and see what I can do." Chimney smiles at her.

"I think it will be good for the two to get away for a few days... Even if you aren't leaving the baby behind." Marge chuckles.

"I'm sorry... Did you want us to leave him so that you could watch him?" Addie asks.

"A little... But it's alright. You talk to your friend about going to see them. Introduce her to your baby." Marge smiles.

"I'll text Jenny! See how her and Jamie are doing, and find out when next week works for them." Addie picks up her phone and starts texting Jenny.

"Wait... Do we take a baby on a plane? Or should we just drive instead?... Wait... Is it worse to drive? I still don't know much about babies." Chimney rambles.

"Taking a plane should be fine. I wouldn't want to drive that long with a little baby... At least in a plane you can get up and move around without having to stop." Marge says.

"That is a very good point." Addie says.

"We're going to Texas." Chimney smiles.

"Hell yeah we are." Addie stands up and walks around the counter to give him a hug.

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