Chapter 46 - Saved

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"Jenny!" Jamie cries as she wakes up. The nurses rush up to her and hold her down.

"Miss. We need you to relax." a nurse says, holding her down.

"Where's Jenny?" Jaime asks as she struggles to free herself.

"Jenny is ok. She's here and doing well. But we need you to lay still because you broke a few vertebrae in your back." the nurse looks at her.

"What? How? What happened?" Jamie asks, looking around fearfully.

"You were in a bus crash. You were flung from the bus when it was rolling down the hill." the nurse backs up and calls for Buck down the hallway. Buck comes running in and up to the side of Jamie's bed.

"Jamie! You're awake! I have to tell Jenny that you're awake!" Buck smiles.

"Who are you?" Jamie looks at him, trying to figure out if she knows him.

"Uh... I'm Jenny's ex-fiancé... Evan... I was talking to Jenny and she was worried about you. When I asked a nurse about you, they didn't have any record of you being here, so I convinced my captain to go back to the crash to find you." Buck explains softly.

"Why would you help me? You don't even know me." Jamie says.

"No, I don't. But I know Jenny... And she's been through enough in her life. I couldn't let her lose you." Buck says.

"I appreciate that." Jamie smiles.

"You mean a lot to her." Buck places his hand on her shoulder.

"She means a lot to me too." Jamie says.

"Oh! And your dad already talked to Captain Nash... He knows everything... Your dad, TK, Carlos, and Tim are all on their way over to LA." Buck says as he walks over to the door, "I'll go let Jenny know that you're alright." Buck walks out the door.

"Hey, Buck?" Jamie calls after him.

"Yeah what's up?" Buck sticks his back head in the door.

"Thanks for saving me." Jamie smiles at him and nods her head.

"Of course. Like I said, you mean a lot to an old friend of mine. I couldn't just ignore then fact that you were missing." Buck shrugs.

"I mean, you could have... But you chose to be kind. I will make sure to let her know how good of a person you are." Jamie says.

"Thanks." Buck laughs as he exits into the hallway.

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