Chapter 67 - Count

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"Addie." Chimney says as he walks into the guest room at Owen's house. 

"What." Addie mumbles as she stands in front of the playpen, facing away from the door, and sways Kevin side to side. 

"I'm sure she didn't avoid telling you on purpose." Chimney walks up behind her. 

"What would be the reason that she didn't then?" Addie sets Kevin down in his playpen and turns to face him with her arms crossed. 

"Maybe she just forgot?" Chimney tries to make her feel better. 

"How could she have forgotten? That's a pretty big thing." Addie sits down on the bed and looks down at the floor. 

"I know it is... Maybe she just thought that Bobby had told you... Or that I had told you." Chimney sits down next to her. 

"I mean, maybe... I just think it's weird that she wouldn't tell me." Addie sighs. 

"You have to realize, Addie, that it was an extremely traumatic event for her. Maybe she just doesn't want to remember it." Chimney says as he looks over at baby Kevin as he coos himself to sleep. 

"Yeah, maybe you're right..." Addie says as she looks over at him. 

"They wouldn't keep it from you to hurt you, and you know that." Chimney lays down and looks at her. 

"I'm sorry that I ruined our trip." Addie sniffles. 

"Addie, you're not." Chimney chuckles.

"It seems like it though." Addie says. 

"Just think about all the fun we are having. Getting to see a new place for the first time together. See our friends. We aren't here to be sad or upset. We are here to relax." Chimney wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her close. 

"You're right. I'm sorry. I'm really not trying to ruin our trip." Addie looks at him. 

"I never said that you were ruining the trip." Chimney laughs as he leans over to give her a kiss. 

"No, but you implied it." Addie chuckles. 

"How did I imply it?!" Chimney asks confused. 

"I don't know. It just seems like it to me." Addie frowns. 

"Stop that." Chimney says as he pushes her back on the bed, "We've only got two days left in Texas. Let's make them count." 

"Oh, is that so?" Addie smirks up at him.

"It so is." he smiles as he climbs on top of her and kisses her. 

"I love you, Howie." Addie wraps her arms around his neck. 

"I love you, too, Addie." Chimney smiles. 

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