Chapter 29 - Ready

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"You what?" Hen looks at Eddie confused.

"I like Evan Buckley. I have since the day I met him... I should have said something when I had the chance, because now, I never will." Eddie kicks a box sitting on the edge of the fire escape. He watches as it slowly tumbles towards the ground.

"Hey! Don't sell yourself short. You still have a chance... No it's not the most ethical, but you still have a chance." Hen says.

"I can't do that to him. He loves her... I hate that he loves her, but he does." Eddie slumps back onto the step.

"Eddie. If you like him you should tell him." Hen places her hand on his shoulder.

"But what would that mean for Jenny? If I tell him and he stays with her, she will hate me forever. If I tell him and he leaves her, she will hate me forever. She's my friend, Hen." Eddie looks at her with tears in his eyes.

"Listen, Eddie... You have two choices here, tell Buck the truth or live with the fact that you never told him how you feel." Hen says.

"I know... But I can't. Not now." Eddie says just as Buck walks up.

"You can't what?" Buck asks, worried, taking a step onto the fire escape.

"He can't pick up Christopher from his friends house... It's his first sleepover. Eddie is just worried about him. But, as much as he is worried about him he can't make him leave the sleepover." Hen tries to cover for him.

"Awe! It's ok, Eddie! Christopher is probably having the time of his life. I'm sure he will be happy to see you in the morning." Buck puts his hand on Eddie's shoulder. Eddie looks at Hen relieved.

"Thanks." Eddie watches as Buck walks back to the apartment.

"No problem." Hen smiles.

"You're a good friend." Eddie sighs.

"Well, I try to be." Hen stands up and holds her hand out for him, "Come on. Let's get back before they start to wonder what's taking so long."

"Fair point." Eddie says, grabbing her hand and using it to help himself stand up. He brushes the rust and dirt off of the back of his pants and takes a deep breath. "Ready." He looks over at Hen.

"Alright. Let's go." Hen pats him on the back as he climbs through the window and back into the hallway.

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