Chapter 32 - Ruin

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"Hey... Buck... Can I talk to you? Privately?" Eddie says the next day at the station. Everyone exchanges glances as Buck follows Eddie downstairs. The two make their way into Bobby's office and Eddie closes the door.

"What's up, Eddie? Why'd you shut the door?" Buck asks, "Is something wrong with Christopher?"

"No... No, nothing is wrong with Christopher." Eddie rubs his hands together as he looks at the floor.

"Then what is it? You look pretty stressed." Buck looks at Eddie with a worried look on his face.

"I just... I don't know how to say this." Eddie leans against Bobby's desk.

"Is this about the other day? What happened? You weren't acting yourself at the party at mine and Jenny's apartment." Buck says.

"About that... I don't think I can hang out with you and Jenny any more." Eddie looks at Buck.

"Wait... Why not?" Buck asks, looking disappointed.

"Well... It's complicated... But I just don't feel comfortable with it." Eddie says.

"Eddie. You're my best friend... You have to hang out with us. I want you to be my best man." Buck gives Eddie a disappointed look.

"I know. You're my best friend, too. But, Buck. I can't be your best man. I just can't." Eddie frowns, looking down to the ground.

"Did Jenny or I do something to upset you? Because if that is the case, I can talk to her, see what we can do?" Buck takes a step towards Eddie, but Eddie steps to the side.

"No it's not that. Jenny didn't do anything... And technically you didn't either." Eddie looks back at the ground.

"Then what is it?" Buck asks nervously, "I want to fix whatever this is, Eddie."

"I'm in love with you, Buck." Eddie looks up into Buck's eyes.

"Wha... What?" Buck looks surprised, his eyes open wide.

"I'm in love with you, Evan Buckley." Eddie sighs.

"You are?" Buck looks at him.

"And, I know that you're engaged and I don't want to ruin that." Eddie says as Buck grabs his face and kisses him.

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