Chapter 10 - Red

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"Chimney! Chimney, where did you go?" Buck calls as he runs down the hall, "Chimney?!" He pokes his head in the doorway or the small supply closet at the end of the hall.

"Go away, Buck." Chimney says, sitting on the floor with his face in his hands.

"Chimney. I'm sorry. I didn't realize Bobby was right there." Buck says as he walks into the room.

"Buck, you shouldn't have said anything." Chimney stands up as he starts to get frustrated, "I asked you not to say anything. It was my news to share if I wanted to share. And I didn't. So thanks for that... God, Addie is going to hate me." Chimney clasps his fingers behind his head and paces back and forth across the small room.

"Chimney. Honestly, I didn't mean anything by it. I didn't mean to upset you. I mean come on, man! You scored last night with a hot girl." Buck smirks. Chimney stops and stares at him in disbelief.

"I didn't 'score' Buck. You don't 'score' when you actually like a girl and want her to be something more than a trophy." Chimney gets even more frustrated as he air quotes his words, "I really care about her, Buck, and you might have just ruined everything."

"Chimne..." Buck starts as Chimney grabs the shoulders of his shirt and pushes him to the wall.

"Buck, I love her and now Bobby is going to kill me because of what you said. I didn't do anything wrong. I took her back to my place because she didn't want to drive drunk, ok? That's it." Chimney let's go of Buck, "I wasn't going to tell Bobby until Addie and I talked about what we want to do. I don't even know if anything is going to become of this."

"Then why are you so mad?" Buck asks, straightening up his shirt.

"I am mad because we were trying to lay low and you and your damn girlfriend had to witness me kissing her and bringing her home with me. Why were you watching the entrance to my apartment complex, huh?" Chimney snaps.

"I just happened to look out the window when your car pulled up, ok? I wasn't trying to spy." Buck says.

"Chimney. We need to talk." Bobby says, standing in the doorway. Chimney looks over at Bobby, his face is bright red, with beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Thanks for nothing, Buckley." Chimney says as he follows Bobby upstairs, "Listen, Bobby. I'm sorry for whatever you saw and whatever you heard."

"Chimney. What happened with you and my niece last night?" Bobby asks as he turns to face Chimney.

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