Chapter 14 - Daydream

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"Hello?" a young boy asks as he opens the front door to see Addie.

"Hi... You must be, Harry." Addie smiles.

"Addie!" Athena smiles as she comes up to the door. Harry steps behind her.

"Hey Athena!" Addie smiles. Athena moves out of the way so Addie can come through the door and shuts it behind her.

"You are just in time for dinner." Athena leads Addie into the kitchen.

"Mom? Who is she?" Harry asks quietly.

"Well, Harry... May. This is my niece, Addelaide Morris." Bobby says. He puts his arm around her shoulders and squeezes her.

"But you can call me Addie." Addie smiles.

"Your niece?" May looks at Bobby.

"Yes. Marcy's sister's daughter." Bobby says as he cuts vegetables for dinner.

"So in a way she's our big cousin!" Harry gets excited.

"Well, not quite." Athena laughs.

"Can I still call her that though?" Harry asks. Bobby and Athena exchange a glance and laugh.

"I guess as long as Addie is alright with it." Bobby looks over to Addie.

"That's fine." Addie laughs.

"Anyways... How was your date last night, Addie?" Bobby asks, setting down the tray of vegetables in the center of the table.

"Ooo! You had a date? Who with?" May asks excitedly.

"...with Chimney." Addie blushes.

"Chimney? Like the firefighter, Chimney?" May gets a huge smile on her face as Addie nods her head.

"How was it?" Bobby smirks.

"It was... It was amazing. I really like him, Uncle Bobby. A lot." Addie blushes even more.

"Awe! That's so sweet... Good for Chimney... And you." May looks over at Addie and smiles.

"You tell me if he does anything to hurt you... I mean anything." Bobby says as he grabs a wooden spoon to stir the chili. Addie looks at May with wide eyes, and May just shrugs.

"Bobby! Leave the poor girl alone." Athena smacks his shoulder.

"What?! I just don't want her to get hurt." Bobby looks up at Addie.

"I can take care of myself, Uncle Bobby." Addie laughs, "Besides, I don't see Howie hurting me anytime soon."

"Somebody's in love." Harry laughs, and makes kissy faces. All of the color from Addie's face flushes.

"I... Uh... No... I don't know... I mean, he's handsome and sweet and..." Addie trails off as she starts to daydream.

"It's alright, Addie. No need to explain yourself." Athena says. Addie stares into space with a smile on her face.

"Is she alright?" Bobby asks, walking over to Athena.

"I think she's daydreaming about Chimney." May giggles.

"Wouldn't surprise me. She talks about him a lot while we're at work." Athena smirks, "Addie!"

"Huh?!" Addie shakes her head and looks over at Athena and Bobby with an embarrassed expression on her face.

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